Warthogs vvs rockets


Map Description

  1. Tomcat7521
    *NEW 28 PLAYERS CAN NOW BE ON THE MAP* Hi, this is my second upload to forge hub and i wanted It to be much betterthan my last. This is mini game called wwarthogs vvs rockets. The reason I have spelt "vs" like "vvs" is because it was a typo on my xbox and the map wont change name so ive stuck with it. The game type is called BOOM and really this map is like gta's rockets vs stuntmen but I wanted to make a halo 5 version. Now I know these have already been made but they dont feel alive or themed which is very important on a map, now I dont like to boast or brag but this map has a theme and its colourful. Now this map is version 1 so its not completely done with decoration and I probably should of finished that before I upload the map but I just wanted to get this map out ASAP I wanted feedback. The tweeks I need to make are only minor atm so its not that bad but the map is fully playable. Here is a video I made https://1drv.ms/v/s!AguXtftsZENhgnWJVc7-ICVAuRxa


  1. Tomcat7521

    Tomcat7521 Legendary

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    Any feedback? Let me know

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