Warp Core Breach!


Map Description

  1. Starship Forge
    This minigame is a single-player Choose Your Own Adventure style game set on board the Enterprise D from Star Trek: the Next Generation.

    A warp core breach is imminent. You have three choices. You can try to repair the core, fly a shuttlecraft away from the ship, or transport down to the planet below.

    Similarly to the classic books, only one of those three choices will save you, while the others will kill you (except for one case where you're given a second chance to make one of the other two choices).

    The game randomly selects which of the three choices is right every time, so you'll never know which choice to make.

    Requires Star Trek Adventure gametype. You'll have to search for it in-game (GT: Starship Forge), because minigame variants are apparently not showing up on Waypoint).

    Here's an additional gameplay video (tried to add it to the map's youtube links, but it wouldn't show up):


  1. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Nice job! I'll try this out later tonight, probably. I am also trying to build a trek-esque map in 5 forge for pc. I think we were friends back in halo 4. do you remember my map, laforge?
  2. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the compliment :)

    I'm not sure I do remember that map, but then I never really got into Halo 4 Forge a ton. It was frankly a dissapointment after Reach, so I didn't really stick with it (didn't donload too many maps, either).

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