Warden SP

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Marc A. Rios
    WARDEN SP is a remake of one of my halo 2 anniversary maps (Warden), with the help of my friend Haloboss201613.

    v.1- Map start (beta)
    v.3-extended/ longer map with less open areas
    v.4- redesign/color change/details
    v.5-pre final


  1. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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    There are many problems here. There is no cover to protect against spawn killing. In fact, the only cover I see are the 2 on each side of the bridge, but that's considered "Lazy Cover". A good map should implement structural cover for less predictability on head to head encounters and more. I could explain fundementals, but I feel that this link will benefit you greatly in the future:
    Forge Fundamentals
    Ticky and N3gat1veZer0 like this.
  2. Marc A. Rios

    Marc A. Rios Legendary

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    its only version 1 i have to tweak it everyday for better improv

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