1. TheGermanPanda
    Version: (1.0)
    I have given this map a 2/5 stars (almost poor) rating, I will explain why I gave this map a 2/5 star rating in this review.

    First I would like to start off by saying there is nothing inherently wrong with this map but there are a lot of issues that bring down the overall rating, you did a very good job overall.

    My first issue with this map is the same issue I have with TONS of maps, they do NOT support linear infection!!! I think it greatly degrades the maps play-ability, enjoy-ability and verticality. I would like to see this issue fixed by adding in infection-dependant spawn points and a linear infection zone so me and my broskeys can enjoy it in every gamemode we play.

    Second, the object placement. The hills on this map seem to be placed with not much attention to where they're actually being placed, they are very steep and the edges of the terrain pieces can be seen. Another object issue I have is the palm tree placed inside of the rock, its location is X599.96, Y -310.88, Z -164.77, it greatly saddens me that a map which is quite visually pleasing is brought down by the palm tree contained inside of the large boulder.

    Third, the structures. The dog houses are very low quality (Not to say they don't work, they serve their purpose very well and I am very impressed by how well this map functions) The one thing I am concerned with is the lack of detail on them, I feel not much effort was given into them to make them truly feel and resemble a dog house, I have a lot of experience being inside dog houses (JFT) and I can tell you for 100% certainty that they do not feel like dog houses when I am inside them. Some more structural detail added and some color changes would fix this issue.

    Fourth, the corgi prefab. I think the head of the corgi prefab is very well made and impressive for being a forge object, but the body lacks in detail and structure, I personally believe the body could be rounded out a bit more and the thighs/shoudlers could be modeled a bit differently.

    Fifth, the budget. This is one place where I struggle to give constructive criticism and I deeply apologize for this. You went over the lightmap budget, this is unacceptable for a Halo 5 map. The only way I found to fix this is to remove the emissive dogs at the top of the map. Please take further caution not to go over the lightmap budget.

    Conclusion. overall I think this map is very good but it doesn't support linear infection and its not very aesthetically pleasing. once again I need to stress that making linear infection an available gametype for all your maps is CRUCIAL for everyones enjoyment. I'm looking forward to see some great Survive maps coming from you!