Vostok Outpost

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Suicufnoc
    Video is a little outdated, some of the strange visuals have been fixed since then.

    Gamertag: Suicufnoc
    Map Name: Vostok Outpost

    Player reviews:
    "Wow this map is beautiful I could see it in matchmaking"
    "Oh God this stupid map, I hate this map"
    and so on...

    <cool story about map here>

    This is my first completed forge map in Halo 5, and I think my first publicly released forge map ever, though I've been forging since the beginning.

    I wan't to thank everyone who's helped with playtesting or anything else, there's too many to list, but thank you.

    Started its life as 2v2 map, but didn't work out, so now it's a 4v4 slayer map. Plays well for CTF, though capture times can be quick, so you have to play pretty defensively. I haven't found a strongholds setup I like yet.

    I've incorporated some things I like like:
    Contrast (map has bright places and dark places)
    A Bridge
    Rocket in an open area in the middle
    Lots of ice chunks (LOTS)
    Lots of flag routes
    A couple skill jumps

    I will say that this map isn't intended to play like a lot of the smaller midship-esque arena maps with tons of verticality and super-fast paced gameplay. Hopefully it emphasizes teamwork and map control, though.

    Also I like Halo 3 a lot. Hopefully it feels like a Halo 3 map.
    Preacher001, PharmaGangsta1 and Blaze like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. D4rkDeath D4rkDeath
    I helped test this map with some of my friends, played very well! Will be in my customs night for sure. There was a lot of depth and thought that went into this map. I personally like the way the lighting hits the rocks, it shines better than most maps because of where and how the map is positioned. My group really likes this map and we have been secretly playing on it before it's release!


  1. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Props on getting your map out. The Aesthetic work you have done is well noted and blends into your map nicely. I pray that I can do the same. From the video this looks like the size and style my group likes. I'll be sure to check it out when there are enough Xbones around to do so.

    On the other hand, your video makes me feel like I'm suffering from Narcolepsy. You may want to try a little less short scenes with constant action and sharp breaks. Instead, I recommend you accept the dull bits and try for better canvas coverage and throw in a few quick fades between scenes (not too many).

    PS. I suck at Video walkthroughs which is why I have never done them. I'm probably going to have to reconcile with that though, now that It's almost expected.

    Good Job!!!
  2. Suicufnoc

    Suicufnoc Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the input. Did that on upload studio in about half an hour. First time using upload studio. Can you do transitions? Those real quick cuts were actually just me scrolling through players in theatre mode...
    If I do take the time to do a decent video on my next map I'll keep your suggestions in mind, though.

    Thanks for the kind words on the map, too.
  3. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You should be able to do a quick and dirty edit on the Xbox with transitions and stuff. I've only given it a quick once over in the past but I never really created anything with it.

    There's a ton of editing software on the PC and a small portion of it is free. I'm not sure of any names off the top of my head because the last time I screwed around with that stuff was almost a decade ago.
    Suicufnoc likes this.

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