
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Box Knows
    Verona is basically a re-imagination of zealot from halo reach

    I had a previous version but improved this one a lot more due to me spending more time on it and Whos Blaze for some great feedback and suggestions.

    I always loved zealot and wanted to forge a map similar to it but wanted to change some things up.

    -Opened up under landings where there is a lift to take you straight up while receiving cover from the bridges that go from top mid to top lift
    -Added a back ramp on flag/initial spawn that leads to the basement instead of being forced to push towards top lift, and a way to get up top when spawning basement.
    -Added 2 windows to shoot from and control by purple
    -Not as exposed bottom middle, more cover and height variation

    Gamertag is Box Knows - Leaderboards timing halo 2 normal, just about all missions.

    Regardless of this being unoriginal I would appreciate feedback to help improve this map.

    I have not added any gametypes yet
    TheElderAcorn likes this.


  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    The amount of work that went into this map is incredible but I say that it was well worth remaking it as many times as you did. I've expressed to you in game what I like most about this map but theres no harm in repeating myself.

    The long lines of sites crossing mid I feel will really make the map fun as well as make it pretty hard to control unlike zealot. The maps over all size seems like it will provide perfect pacing 4v4 and I can't wait to playtest it! Really good job man. And really great job for not being a super active forger in the past. Keep it up.
    Box Knows likes this.
  2. SPAiED

    SPAiED Mythic

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    Haven't had a chance to try it yet but this looks like a great 4v4 map! It looks very well forged and aesthetically pleasing!
  3. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
    Senior Member

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    I made more changes to the map including a few more jump ups and some cover where i thought was necessary and added a few more spawns. If anyone is willing to help me playtest this because I still have not gotten a 4v4 on this map please message me. It is hard for me to get lobbies going
  4. moo43

    moo43 Talented
    Forge Critic

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    This looks like a really cool map. I'd be willing to help you test it sometime.
  5. SPAiED

    SPAiED Mythic

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    If I'm ever online send me an invite! I wouldn't mind testing it!

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