Verona is basically a reimagination of the halo reach map zealot
I opened up the walls on the bottom of the map allowing players to not feel trapped bottom middle leading to a lift which takes you up to "red and blue landing"
Overshield bottom gold to add more traffic and set ups to obtain oversheild
Top Gold beam rifle
Sword at purple
I bent the street from zealots health pack to landing on a 45 degree angle
Bottom "health pack" or basement there is a lift you can choose to take as well to get up instead of taking the back ramp
It would play best for 2v2s I have not tried 4v4s yet
Thanks to Whos Blaze for helping me reduce my object count and touching up quite a few things that helped the map overall.
Gamertag is Box Knows and im on the leaderboars for halo 2 normal something