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Summary: Under the smog-filled skies of New Mombasa, the Uplift Corporation in charge of the city space tether has partnered with the city planning council to construct a series of pedestrian boulevards and housing projects to better its PR image, amidst claims that its infrastructure has ruined the city panorama.Uplift Square is the latest project that the company has undertaken.
The square is small and meant to accommodate 4 v 4 slayer matches. Other featured gametypes include ctf and strongholds. There are several powerweapons including a hydra launcher, but no vehicles. Recommended player rosters are 4 v 4 and 5 v 5. Anything more and the map can feel cluttered. I originally had a space elevator made from cable and rings in the background of the map, but it used up so many items that honestly could have been used for better map additions that i deleted it.