
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Thenameiuse
    As the short description says, the arena likes to play favorites sometimes. Sometimes rewarding you with your own snipers nest, sometimes the arena will make you it's champion. This is a team slayer map, I came up with, the name itself is loosely inspired by Dusk, specifically the achievement to cheat. The map is mostly symmetrical in nature. And most weapons on the map can be accessed easily, with only Beam Rifles, the Rocket Launcher, and the Grav Hammer (spoilers) being the exception. Since it requires some rough platforming to get the Rockets and the Overshield, I've added 1 grav lift equipment on both sides respectively, which can also be used to get the beam rifle early. Ideally, this map plays out to let people disrupt a snowballing team from winning with no challenge. Oh, as it stands it's only TS but if asked I will gladly work on adding in support for other gamemodes. My only fear is that making this any capture mode could be difficult to implement because of the size of the map. Also this map is on PC, I was told to put that in the description to help people find it or something?


  1. VeryHyped

    VeryHyped Spartan I

    Likes Received:
    I don't see the map in your file share. If you forged this on PC, you'll have to share a download link to an .mvar file, unfortunately.
  2. Thenameiuse

    Thenameiuse Spartan I

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    Here's the .Zip for the .mvar file.

    Attached Files:

  3. Thenameiuse

    Thenameiuse Spartan I

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    I'm sorry I posted it https://www.forgehub.com/threads/forge-the-fight-submission-thread.159451/
    however I didn't update this, must've slipped my mind. I can't just add the .zip and/or .mvar for this post so I added it as a comment in on this page.
    VeryHyped likes this.

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