

Map Description

  1. EIectr0n
    "The miner's remains lay forgotten upon this lost mining rig now devoured by the sands of Meridian"

    This map which was co-forged by myself (EIect0n) and Cougar cleal14 is a heavily modified version of the "The Rig". As you can see from the photos the map is overtaken by sand which allows for some play space outside the tradition "The Rig"s area; though invisible barriers do shortly block you we have added visual cues indicating the boundary so the player can expect when to hit an invisible wall (in the final version the invisible walls have not been a problem to testers). You will also notice that the sand has covered the death pit too.

    The entire outside area of the rig has been change to suit infection. As seen in the photos this area has been transformed into 3 rooms (1 at traditional plasma caster spawn, 1 below it and 1 below catwalk) and 2 separated outdoor areas (1 either side of catwalk). Without these modifications the area was way to open for the infected.

    You will find that many holdouts on this map have multiple entrances and those that dont are not great areas for the long run.

    The weapons on "Unrigged" are;
    • x1 Halo CE Pistol
    • x1 SPKr
    • x1 Sniper
    • x1 Hydra launcher
    • x1 DMR
    • x2 Assault rifles
    • x1 SMG
    • x2 Shotguns
    • x1 magnum
    • x2 Frags

    Player count is best at 12 but can work fine with more or less players.

    With this map we have focused on matchmaking gameplay and after numerous play tests and adjustment we believe this map is ready for the public. That said we would love any feed back we can get.

    Heads up, as infected you will see a lot of pink thanks to the infected colour filter being glitchy (it turns orange/yellow into pink). You can turn it off, but just make sure you turn camo for the alpha zombie down to 40%.

    Download via Download button on screens top right, the map is in cougar cleal14's file share not mine
    Ryouji Gunblade likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Joss Joss
    Actually looks nice. Works well and doesn't have any over powered spots. Only thing I would change (if possible) is the outside boundaries being more visible. Otherwise great map and very enjoyable if you have enough players.


  1. lNeedMoreBleach

    lNeedMoreBleach Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    this map was really fun to make and im rather happy with how it has turned out building it has taken some time do to balancing hold outs and weapons and other stuff but we hope you all will enjoy this map as much as we do :)
  2. Dab1001

    Dab1001 Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Wow, great job! I can't speak from a gameplay standpoint, since I haven't played this yet, but from an aesthetic standpoint, your map blows mine out of the water!
    lNeedMoreBleach and EIectr0n like this.
  3. lNeedMoreBleach

    lNeedMoreBleach Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    thxs we really appreciate your complement

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