
8v8 Custom

Map Description

  1. CeratedSnow
    Ghost ultra spawns in slayer only, oni gungoose, 2 for each base, spawn in ctf only, the map is spaced enough for the vehicles but has several corners.
    Damage boost will spawn in slayer, ctf, and strongholds only, it will be replaced with the sentinel beam in infection.
    Forerunner and kinetic bolt weapons only when set to infection.
    Rooms and certain areas are made with multiple entrances.
    Because of the size breakout/elimination would be difficult to play.
    Happy Halloween
    InvokingTexan and xzamplez like this.


  1. InvokingTexan

    InvokingTexan Legendary

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    I will have to load this into forge, but the map could have gone for a darker tone. Not too dark to where people cannot see, but just enough to invoke that eerie dread known to the first two Dead Space games. Blackened blocks for the black marker, and maybe some custom necromormph bodies scattered throughout. Just spit balling. Fantastic work, nonetheless!
  2. CeratedSnow

    CeratedSnow Spartan III

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    Thanks it is darker when you view it in game and sadly the object limit is almost at max to add necromorphs, so what I tried to go for is it is set before everything goes to hell lol
  3. InvokingTexan

    InvokingTexan Legendary

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