
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. WaiHo
    Update 25-5-18:
    - Changed name from Eden to ‘Underwood’
    - Added bottom tunnel area at blue tower
    - Moved teleporter to blue tunnel
    - Made middle structure larger on top
    - Opened up yellow doorway from/to blue
    - Added soft path from green yard to top green (tower)
    - Moved sentinel beam from green yard to back green ramp
    - Made blue tower smaller and now possible to bank nades up there
    - Added jump up from green to blue receiver node
    - Added jump up from front yellow to yellow bridge
    - And probably a few smaller things that I’ve forgotten as it has been a few years since I made those changes
    - Pictures are a bit outdated on some parts now.


    This is a newer version of my map called Blackthorn. I made the map significantly smaller so that the gameplay would be a lot more fast paced. My goal with designing this map was to have a map that would play well in 1v1’s, 2v2’s and 4v4’s. Kind of like how Guardian filled that role in Halo 3. I am pushing for the HCS settings as well of course.

    The map supports the following gametypes:
    - Slayer
    - Oddball
    - KotH

    The following weapons can be found on the map:

    1 Sniper rifle: 120 sec (static)
    1 Camo: 90 sec (static)
    1 Sentinel beam: 120 sec (static / not placed at start)

    6 Battle rifles
    2 Carbines

    1 Plasma rifle

    6 frag grenades
    4 plasma grenades

    Video walkthrough:
    http://xboxclips.com/Obi Wai Kenobi/944902e3-7e69-4e68-ba12-b45c463e56d7

    Add me on xbox live. GT: Obi Wai Kenobi

    Go to leaderboards. à Go to timed campaign run à select Halo 2: High Charity à select friends only scoring à go to my fileshare

    (You can also check one of the First CE campaign missions)

Recent Reviews

  1. Blaze Blaze
    Easily one of the cleanest maps I've seen yet. Pretty good for gameplay as well. A few somewhat steep inclines. The lift is a bit annoying when you are trying to get down but that's hardly your fault. and the set ups for koth are pretty much nonexsistant, though that doesn't hurt the fun of the map much at my level of skill. Overall, good map and very impressive visually.


  1. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My forbidden fruit is growing...;) Veeeerrrrrry Niiiiicccccee!!!!!
  2. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
    Senior Member

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    Do the trees change their colour if you go near them? If so, make an effort and adjust them so they don't do that anymore plus let them spawn in after 8 seconds so they don't get lightened --> Performance issues = Gone
    That map looks pretty promising, although in the matter of design the transitions between green areas could have been made more realistic.
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks very cool! I really like the way that the bridges and height change work together to control lines of sight. We need more good asyms in H2A, and this looks to be a good one. I'm going to try to get a game or two on it this evening.

    I did notice while looking around the map that you have several awkwardly oriented respawn points which generally spawn players facing outward from the center of the map, often perpendicular to walls. You might want to rethink the placement of some of those. Anyway, I'll have some more feedback once we play this. I'm looking forward to it.
  4. moo43

    moo43 Talented
    Forge Critic

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    Yea this map looks sweet. I'd really like to play some games on it.
  5. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments guys!

    As for the trees I don't think they change colour when you get close to them. I'm not 100% sure though. Also agree that the transition between grass and 'sand/rock' couldve been done more realistically, although it is quite hard to do that and to keep the framerate good. @Buddy Jumps

    Also the spawnplacements might be a bit off, I just placed them really quick and just made sure that each one had a wall in their backs. I really couldn't see forge anymore after putting so many hours into it the last couple days lol @Psychoduck
  6. WarlordWossman

    WarlordWossman Legendary

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    Walked around for a bit now and I like the way the map is set up. I would really like some 4v4 king of the hill gameplay maybe you can test it out soon.

    Quick question btw: Why did you choose to have no rocket launcher on that map?
  7. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I felt that the map would be too small for rockets and therefore be too overpowered on the map.

    I wouldn't be opposed to testing it with rockets on it though.

    Also I won't able to test it out this week or next week as I won't be at home. However I thought that War will be testing maps this weekend, so hoping that he can provide some gameplay footage on it!
  8. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    WaiHo submitted a new map:

    Eden - A small fast paced asymmetrical map designed for Slayer, KotH and Oddball

    Read more about this map...
  9. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    We had a really great experience on this map yesterday while testing. I liked the hill locations but some needed additional routes to access them. I would also suggest placing weapons in more intuitive places on the map. Every time I picked up the sentinel beam I thought it was because it dropped from a players body, then realized it was too coincidental to be in the same location 2 times in a row. I like how the sniper has an over shield glowing underneath it - makes the weapon more visible. I would suggest placing more weapons on the map, I felt constantly hungry and the current weapon layout left me insatiable - needs more. I would suggest placing rockets on the map in the rock tunnel area. OS is a piece of dirty candy - you can always throw that on a 4v4 map. I loved sniping on here, the awkward lines of sight lends itself well to that.
  10. CCG aardvark

    CCG aardvark Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Oh wow! This looks much better than Blackthorn. I always thought that Blackthorn was too large. Great decision making a scaled down version!
  11. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback War! Could you elaborate a bit more on the weapon layout that you had in mind? I personally had a feeling before that rockets would be a bit overpowered on the map, however I also feel that the sentinel beam is a weapon that doesn't provide much exciting gameplay around it. I actually think that replacing the sentinel beam with the rocket launcher could be possible. However making the rockets spawn in the lower area (where the sentinel beam spawns right now) to promote movement towards that area as well.

    I also thought about the hill placements and the routes into them, all of them have atleast 3 routes into them. So I was wondering about which hills specifically you thought needed additional routes.
  12. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Update version 1.2

    Some small tweaks have been made.
    - Colored all blocks at gold correctly (missed a few)
    - Moved sentinel beam slightly to make it easier to spot
    - Fixed camo spawn, it wasn't working properly as it only spawned twice a game.

    This version can be found on my fileshare.
  13. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I would make some adjustments to your lift to make it more intuitive like adding a forerunner lift instead of the one way shields. I would also move Sentinel beam closer in to sniper so Blue can contest Red at start for the sniper. Red just seemed to have too much opportunity from initially spawning. They get sentinel, snipe and camo more easily than Blue.
    Red = 7.73 seconds, Blue = 9.11 seconds
    Red = 10.75 seconds, Blue = 12.93 (with lower verticality and a jump up to consider)
    I still feel that rockets with no spare clip should be on the map where sniper is located. What are your thoughts on that?

    I threw up a version of this in the FH LIVE fS, you should check it out and let me know what you think.
  14. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    At first I had a forerunner lift instead of the shield doors, however when you went back down the lift you would get stuck in it. So therefore I chose to use shield doors as there is no way that you would get stuck.

    I'm not too sure what you mean about moving the sentinel beam closer to the sniper spawn as it doesn't spawn at start currently. So the red spawn doesn't have that advantage. Or do you mean red side in general?
    If the rockets would be placed where sniper is right now, where would you place the sniper then? Maybe at back green ramp?

    I'll check it out tomorrow though, as I can't get online today. But I do agree that the area leading from blue to gold could use a little change to make that area more accessible for the blue side. I do have a little idea for that though.
  15. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    In regard to Blue to Gold access, I think you should have a route connection extending from camo and just keep following that path. You can create a window there above the "tunnel short" so Blue can put shots to oncoming Red team to more evenly contest that snipe.
  16. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah that is pretty much my idea haha. Gonna try to forge that tomorrow. Stay tuned!
    WAR likes this.
  17. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've uploaded a test version of the map on my fileshare. (Version 2.0 test)

    Some changes that I've made are as follows:
    - Rockets spawning in gold/rock tunnel (3min respawn timer)
    - Sniper spawns at back green ramp (not placed at start)
    - Sentinel beam removed
    - Added a shield door at receiver teleporter so that you cannot stand on it.
    - Added a jump up to Receiver teleporter
    - Added railings to receiver teleporter
    - Changed the entrance to gold from blue. ( see image below)



    I saw the edits you map on the map, I still very much dislike the forunner lifts. On your version it was still very easy to get stuck in them. I am pretty set on keeping the shield door ladder system as it is the most reliable and consistent small lift that you could make imo. I liked some of the other changes though, as you can see back in this test version.
    WAR likes this.
  18. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Now, I like the map, but I have to ask, what is with the sloppy forging?
    I noticed holes in the map, inconsistant object coloring, and tons of weird kill zones...

    Otherwise I like how structures were made, especially the center windows, whether those are for grenading or sitting in.
  19. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Could you explain this a bit further?

    - Where are holes in the map?
    - Also inconsistant object coloring? The only thing that I think that you could mean is at Gold, but that has been fixed. For the HCS an older version was edited and the object colors at Gold were thus not edited.
    - And what is wrong with the kill zones? They are all placed in such way to make sure that the map isn't breakable. There are some soft kill zones at rocks so that players cannot climb on top or behind them. It is fairly easy to jump around all the rock pieces due to all the edges.

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