2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Zombievillan
    Turning Point was my submission to the Smackdown 1v1 contest. 1v1's have always been out of my comfort zone but I have a history in some tournaments from Forgehubs younger days. This map turned out alot better than I thought it was going to and I enjoyed it in the end. I had to make some changes and removed a teleporter system but the end product left me satisfied.
    UPDATE: Now that this is set up for 2v2, The Rockets are on a 120 sec. static spawn. Sniper is on a 120 sec. static spawn & OS is on a 90 sec. Static. The Suppressed SMG is 30 sec dynamic with 2 spare clips. a Needler at 30 sec. with 2 spare clips, 2 carbines at 30 sec. with 2 spare clips. 2 BRs at 30 sec. with 1 spare clip. 2 Magnums (in seperate areas) at 30 sec. 2 spare clips. 2 plasma nades at 15 sec. 2 Frags (1 by each Magnum) at 15 sec.
    This map is definitly a different style than most of what I have seen in the forums leading up to the dead line which I see as a positive but hopefully it doesn't bite me in the rear.
    Top Mid is the main point to keep ground on your opponent since it offers a view of each area of the map. OS at bottom mid gives a small boost to anyone trying to hold this position thanks to the quick jump ups from both sides. Rockets aren't very effective in their spawn area due to the geometry and aesthetics (which was intended) so you want to get back out to high ground into the map once you aquire them. Sniper spawns on the bottom level of the rock wall room which leaves you at a disadvantage and the upper level is a great power point to strive for once you have the sniper. You are offered 2 good views of top mid from the upper level.One from the middle of the rock wall and one from the outside at the stickies spawn but the tighter corners can leave you punished for scoping in too long thanks to the lack of cover inside the room. In my experiences I liked flowing throughout the map and I tried mostly holding down the sniper room from that upper level. The map offers all ranges of combat and you must be prepared for close, mid, and long range battles.
    The best way to see the layout is this walk through clip:

    To DL, send me a friend request. GT: zombievillan, search the leaderboards for friends on high charity campaign timing.
    WAR likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Blaze Blaze
    Haven't played this for 1v1. 2v2 plays really well though. Overshield is a bit fast to respawn but it didn't impact gameplay negatively. The area with the glassless windows didn't see any action for me. That would be the only thing I felt wasn't great. I'd be willing to go into forge and see if we can get some more flow to that area if it becomes a popular complaint. If not, I see no harm in it being the way it is, it could be purely my playstyle or even something as simple as spawns in that area.


  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    #1 Zombievillan, Mar 6, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I had a good time testing this map with you! It plays well and has great jumps. Good work Zombie.
  3. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks GTF, I updated the post with better pictures and I linked a better walk through video as well. I wish there was a way to embed the clips from Xboxclips.
  4. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I was initially worried by the Rocket Launcher. Turns out...Rockets work really well on Turning Point.
    This is an excellent map. I don't have any complaints about the design or weapons at all. The one thing that held it back slightly during the judging process is the scaling. Even with Sniper, OS, and Rockets on the map, the map plays 1v1's pretty slow. The battles are always interesting, but there have been long droughts between engagements in every game. Have you tested 2v2 on here at all? It seems like it would play a mean game of doubles.
  5. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    OK, Later today when I get off work I will go in & setup spawns for a 2v2. I kinda thought it would be a good 2v2 map but never bothered with it since it was made for the 1v1 tourney. I have edited the thread to show it as a 2v2 now and also with more details on how to find me in the leaderboards.
    a Chunk likes this.
  6. WarlordWossman

    WarlordWossman Legendary

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    After playing yesterday I think that this map is really cool for 2v2s. I would like to test it again because the game I played on it suffered from heavy lag for some reason.
  7. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks Warlord, I did enjoy this map in 2v2 far more than I did in the 1v1's. I'm not sure if the lag was from connection issues or the map. I wasn't too concerned with piece usage in the initial build because it was intended for 1v1 only. In regards to that game and Blazes review, I will be adjusting spawn times on the OS & power weapons since this map is now going to be mainly a 2v2 map. I have already started setting up Hill & Oddball now as well.

    Also with Blazes review, I did notice that area not getting too much action. I only went there to grab Rockets & I remember someone saying "Oh, that's where Rockets are" so that showed me they didn't go there either. I liked it as a safer area to spawn & the Rockets being the strongest weapon are the most out of the way. I thought there would still be movement I the area when I was planning.

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