
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. qrrby

    Trudge started out as an idea to use a diamond shape as side ducts for a small structure. It evolved into what looks like a Grunt gathering place of some kind (and I kept that theme by adding some hijinks they'd love).
    There is a switch that operates a lock down mode, opening and closing the center of the map; it will be a crucial point to lock down in objective game types as it siphons off quick capture routes.
    There's a purple mist hiding camo in a honeycomb pit designed for some risk reward.

    A man cannon launches you straight through a teleporter that leads to damage boost (which I put on to accentuate the hammer {@lift} and halo ce pistol {@rock field}).

    Dl from Qrrbrbirbei
    Bookmarked as Trudge


  1. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
    Senior Member

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