Map Description

  1. MultiLockOn
    I was playing a lot of Halo 1/UT/Quake prior to this map, and huge verticality is definitely a defining feature of arena maps. Every Halo game past Halo 1 has increasingly flat and elongated maps; the verticality is lost and so is a huge dynamic in the way the map plays. Asymmetry and verticality were my two pillars I wanted to base the map around (Hang Em High, Damnation, etc).

    Everything on the map is part of the map geometry itself, there is no ‘cover’ scattered, or idle pillars to hide behind. I also wanted to avoid some of the poor map philosophies you can see in the later Halo games; large areas of the map that aren’t really viable to go into ex. Top mid on Guardian, Lockout. Center Floor of Construct, etc.

    So I began by sketching out a single cone shape, with a spiraling staircase ascending up it. Cones work for multiple reasons

    · The higher you are the more power you have. You also have smaller surface area, and are more exposed at the top.

    · At the bottom of the cone, you have the least power, and most cover. So in other words, the classic risk vs reward dynamic.

    · Dropping behind the cone when shot, rewards you with cover, but rewards your enemy with predictability in your location and exit routes. This essentially traps you, which works will in a 2v2 dynamic where the enemy team can do a pincer movement on both sides.

    · Cones w/ spiraling staircase allow for good gameplay dynamics for players to fight between the bottom and top


    For asymmetric purposes, I decided to have one High Cone, countered by two smaller cones facing it. One cone would be 80% of the High Cone’s height, and the other would be 50% of the High Cone’s height. The shortest cone has a catwalk that extends in a curve around the High Cone. This allows for two members of a team to stand on one short cone each, and use the short catwalk to move into a position around the High Cone, until they surround it and can flush out anyone standing there. Again, the dynamic of the three free standing cones without any sort of ‘cover’ or interrupting geometry, allows a team to punish anyone who drops behind by cutting off their exit routes. It also creates a three-fold triangular divide in the center of the map. This is the first level of segmentation.


    After establishing the asymmetrical cone concepts, I built a three-fold asymmetric catwalk design that works in much of the same way as the three cones. There is the High Catwalk that is pressed against the back wall of the map. This catwalk provides ultimate visibility, with ultimate exposure. Taking fire from anywhere on the map, you’re forced to drop down TOWARDS the attackers. The only cover you gain by dropping is the width of the base of High Cone, and Mid Cone. Again, this creates very intentional gameplay that allows for teams of two to punish, trap, and predict movement. By also utilizes the same cones structures upon dropping and in turn, there is clear and punishable movement patterns which I believe could lead to a strong 2v2 meta.


    The same way in which the smaller cones mirror the High Cone gameplay patterns and philosophies, the Mid Catwalk and Low Catwalk mirror the High Catwalk in practice. The Middle Catwalk provides fair visibility (less than the High Catwalk) but is placed in the center of the map instead of the wall. This fair visibility and position, means that while having slightly less power, the Middle Catwalk has greater escapability/cover as you can drop on either side of it to escape pursuers. However, it also only spans 1/3rd of the maps length, unlike the High Catwalk which spans the entire length of the map.


    The Lowest catwalk is similar to the Low Cone in that is provides the least power, for greatest escapability. It’s lower than both the other catwalks, HOWEVER – where on the High Catwalk a player can only drop FORWARD behind the limited cover of the two cones, and the Middle Catwalk a player can drop behind it’s limited length, a player being shot at on the Lowest Catwalk can drop behind into the elongated hallway behind it.


    There are what I refer to as, 2 ‘wildcards’ on the map. The first is a Sender Node Teleporter under Low Cone, that takes you across the map to High Catwalk. The teleporter has the following functions

    · Providing escapability with the risk of high visibility at the receiving end

    · Allowing cross map flanks

    · Increasing map flow and introducing new movement dynamics

    The second wildcard is something I took as inspiration from Unreal Tournament/ Quake. The high movement speeds coupled with all sorts of speed boosts gives players ways to move around maps in those titles in ways that I had never experienced in console shooters. In the center of this map, there is what I call a Speed Trench. Hopping in this trench will shoot you across it at high speeds; first horizontally, and second vertically. This provides the following functions.

    · Occupying center space that might otherwise be unvisited, thus providing incentive

    · Offering fast mobility options

    · Allowing an additional route to Low Catwalk

    · Juking players shooting at you from Mid Catwalk

    · Being really ****in cool

    · Segmenting the map on another axis



    Below are the segmentations caused by the 3- Fold Cone Structures, the 3- Fold Catwalks, and the Speed Trench


    So the map is fairly well segmented between the three staple geometries of the maps, and you’ll definitely notice it when playing

    The power weapons on the map are 2 sniper rifles on a 60 second respawn with no spare clips, and an active camouflage on a 120 second timer. The camouflage being what I believe the most power of the three is located on the High Catwalk (most vulnerable) and each respective sniper located on the Mid Catwalk and Low Catwalk. What this means is that with proper setup, when all power weapons respawn, a team who fought for control of the high catwalk can not only grab Camo, but work their way down and easily grab both other snipers in a descending fashion. A team being locked down, might only be able to withhold the sniper on the lowest Catwalk; grabbing the other power weapons from there is an uphill battle. This I believe promotes setup and rewards teams that do so. Starting at the top can allow for a 1 way trip down if done correctly.


    Also, the camouflage can be grenaded down into the speed trench below for all your Halo 1 weapon launching fun!

    T R I N I T Y H I L L S U P D A T E

    - New Border
    -Better Frame Rate
    - Static Weapon Timers


Recent Reviews

    A breath of fresh air...Trinity houses interesting and vertical gameplay. While others go in the other direction Multi steamrolls into verticality. I miss that about halo and I'm glad somebody made a map based solely on that concept. It's not for everyone but it's definitely fun for me :)
  2. Great presentation. After playing it I really don't understand the fuss, its good but doesn't play anything special.
  3. Given To Fly Given To Fly
    Trinity is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise cloudy cluster of flat, boring, and un-original maps. This map is perfect for 1v1's. Beautiful design, and beautiful aesthetics.
  4. JustSweezy JustSweezy
    Would be better with a some details like trees or something and better weapon balancing


  1. Rome

    Rome Legendary

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    Absolutely love the design layout for this map, very aesthetically pleasing. but there are a few issues I encountered while running both dubs and 1v1's. First and foremost, unfortunately you lose a few frames in numerous places around the map. Specifically around the outer sides of the map and even more specifically walking along the entire catwalk you'll lose frames if you are looking in any direction of the map. It's not a significant drop in frames but it is slightly annoying. The spawns are also incredibly predictable and I was pretty much forcing my opponents to spawn where I wanted almost 85% of the time, likewise in doubles. Unfortunately though, with the layout of the map, there isn't much you can do to vary the spawning. Lastly there were a few pieces that you used that just didn't look right or seemed unfinished. Like the grass planes as walls were weird. Also the lift behind the catwalk by the sniper you can jump on that grass plane outside the map where there is only a soft kill and see the underside of an UNSC lift sticking out from a wall. it's just feels ugly or lazily done compared with the rest of the map.

    All these are just small tiny things that kinda of bugged me. There aren't really any major flaws maybe the spawning but, overall I enjoyed playing this map. Very creative.​
  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Dude all your criticisms are totally spot on, and I agree with you.

    The frame rate was definitely a stickler here. Halfway through the map's construction I started to notice some drops here and there; that was my warning sign. I finished the map in the manner that I wanted it too look, and the frame rate was hitting heavy just about anywhere you looked. The issues you have with the grass planes and frame rate in this case, go hand in hand. Believe it or not, the map was practically enclosed at one point! Big 'ol metal walls towering you can imagine, there wasn't much I could do but get rid of them. The grass planes as walls and flooring are there as a compromise with the frame rate. If it were up to me, the map would be a big enclosed metal dome! :p So yeah, I totally feel you on how it looks lazy, I wish there was more I could do there. But even aside from frame rate, placing a few more objects on the map will push past the threshold for 2v2 and will start kicking players. How it is now, is just my way of getting the map to work without looking completely atrocious. Overall though, I'm happy with the playability and I've never really found the current state of framerate on the map offputting or unplayable by any means..but then again, I am the author :p

    As for the spawning, I'll have to take your word for it. It was kinda tricky to get safe spawning on the map, and if I'm gonna be honest I'm actually kinda happy with how the spawning turned out! But if you feel it's too predictable I'll take your word for it.

    Thanks again for the feedback, you seem pretty knowledgeable. I appreciate your kind words as well :)
    Rome likes this.
  3. Rome

    Rome Legendary

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    Well like I said, I don't believe any of these are a major deal. It's no where near unplayable. I enjoyed the gameplay quite a bit, it's just unfortunate that MCC won't allow forgers to complete their maps without producing some complications. but that's forge for ya. kudos for getting what you did and keeping the creativity of the map in tact.
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  4. SPAiED

    SPAiED Legendary

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    Wow another very visually pleasing map! Love the all metal look to it! How come this is your last MCC map?
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Unique design and a unique pallet. I agree with Spaied, it's definitely a looker. You should keep forging, because I'd love to see what else you can do.
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  6. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    #7 MultiLockOn, Apr 18, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
    TheElderAcorn likes this.
  7. Kurismic

    Kurismic Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No one has noticed yet XD
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  8. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    No not yet :p
  9. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This map plays so different from all the maps being cranked out lately. It isn't you're average forge map, and with that being said, well done. It is a blast to 1v1 on here. But I have to say, if you are one of those hyper-competitive MLG - Halo can only be played one way - kinda guys, don't bother with this map. It is super original, and plays super original. Mawlty you make me so proud :3

    Also your last picture has me in stitches :skull:
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  10. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Stop scaring away the MLG kids! I need them :p

    Thanks though bb :)
  11. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You guys love each other so much. ****ing awesome.

    I honestly don't think this would scare mlg kids away. The map is not confusing and is fairly open when you get to the top. My only thing I wonder about because I have not played the map is if the top(the really high walkway) is used because it seems like it would be difficult to get there due to the length of the ramps and how open they are going there. It looks like if you were to try and push that way you would be forced drop down a good amount of the time because the other players ability to get and angle on those ramps from multiple positions throughout the map. Now it isn't bad thing because you don't want to add cover so it can be abused, but if one of routes up top was quicker I think it could benefit flow. Spawning is just bad and predictable in this game anyways.
    Given To Fly and MultiLockOn like this.
  12. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Yeah the difficulty up top is just part of the "low escapability" theory I explained in the spoiler in the map thread. High exposure is really the best way to counter a high power position (in this map at least ) I think, but there's the protrusion in the center of the high catwalk that warrants you some cover from the other side. Thank you for your comments though. I highly recommend you play a few games on it :)
  13. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Finally got a game on here. Rome nailed it with his feedback, so I won't repeat those points.

    I like the design. On the other hand, I feel like it would work better in a different game. The scaling and openness of it lends itself better to a utility weapon with longer range, a game with faster movement options, or both. There were times where battles took place with one player on the upper camo walkway and another player on one of the Sniper catwalks where both players, going toe to toe, almost emptied an entire BR clip before one came out on top. While we aren't pro's by any means, this is mostly due the fact that these battles happen outside of the BR's optimal range. I'd love to play this map on a Halo CE/Halo 5 hybrid.

    And yeah, I noticed that thing that a bunch of you have been hinting at. It's the kind of thing that's funny amongst friends, but just feels like an unnecessary jab in this context, and I almost don't even want to acknowledge it because it has nothing to do with the map.
    MultiLockOn, Given To Fly and Rome like this.
  14. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I TOTALLY agree with you! I must've said so many times while building the map "this would be so much better with a CE pistol", I think kurismic even joked about making a gametype that replicated Unreal Tournament settings to play with the map. Glad to see were on the same page :) if there's anything in particular you didn't like or maybe something more general about the map I'd love for you to leave a review... Even if it's not a perfect score :p

    You let me know if FH ever decides to have a 2v2 tourney I'll throw this map in the submission :)
    Goat and Given To Fly like this.
  15. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I thought the map was (insert chunks entire post). Im sure it is better with 4 players, but no matter the player count you should really look into fixing the frame rate issues.

    Maybe you could try replacing the 2x2 steep ramps with other objects?

    Oh yeah and #Sqwall-E
    Given To Fly and MultiLockOn like this.
  16. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    There's a lot of items I could flip around to get the frame rate to a good place. Deleting the metal floor and just having a grass plane would pretty much do it on it's own. But the beauty of the map wouldn't be there. I chose to bring the map to where it is now just so I could show off my artistic talent while still having it playable. Of course if it were in the scenario of tournament or competitive play obviously I'd strip it down in the matter of a few seconds, but it's not really necessary in the current context. But I'm glad you gave the map a shot :) try it out in dubs, I'm sure you'll like it!
  17. SPAiED

    SPAiED Legendary

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    What was it? I haven't had chance to try out the map yet.
  18. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    It's in the graphics of the map post, not on the map itself. I'll leave it to MultiLockOn to reveal if he wishes to do so.
  19. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Nah I'm chillin :cool: was really just intended for my small group of friends
    Given To Fly and a Chunk like this.

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