Toy Factory

6v6 Strongholds

Map Description

  1. RadicalOne95
    "Santa's elves of the North Pole are always hard at work with making toys for the girls and boys of the world..."

    This map takes place in a large indoor space. There is a big room in the center of the map full of presents and toys on the floor, and tables where the elves assemble the toys. A large Christmas tree has been put in the middle of the map.

    From that room, it's possible to access to two identical smaller rooms, which are situated on the sides of the main room. From here you can get to the balcony.

    Two conveyor lines can be seen in both the left and right of the map, which contains a press and 4 sets of rotating saw blades, in which will kill any players if touched.


  1. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

    Likes Received:
    wheres bbw anime santa?
  2. RadicalOne95

    RadicalOne95 Heroic

    Likes Received:
    ****. Now I honestly should have put one there on the thumbnail. OH WELL!

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