The Temple of Secrets


Map Description

  1. Lost Pinecone
    From the depths of an ancient temple, a priceless artifact calls out, daring you to find it. The artifact has many names, in many languages, but it is most commonly known as:


    The Whale of Victory.

    Explore the temple:



    and solve puzzle after puzzle:






    Map Info:

    Name: The Temple of Secrets

    Gamertag: A Squid Loaf

    Players: 1-6 (possible to play with more but not recommended)

    Gametype: Slayer with unlimited time and fast respawns. (Use Puzzle Mode if you don't feel like making your own gametype)

    WARNING: If you guess wrong on puzzles 2 or 4 (numbers and arrows), the map becomes unbeatable and you have to restart the map. This is the only way to make it so you can't just hit all the buttons until you get it right. The good news, is that once you know what to do, it takes less time to get to puzzle 4 than it does for the map to load, so it is only a slight penalty for guessing wrong.

    Good luck everyone! and as always, thanks to the many testers who helped make the map better.
    CaptainDireWolf likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. It was a very fun map, the puzzles were good, good variety, really liked the puzzles in the last room to get the Whale at the end. That being said there is room for improvement, I played this with 3-4 other people to which they thought it was good and there opinion was the same, the conclusion after the picking up the whale lacked in whether you knew if you were done or not and the killing you if you got something wrong and having to reset the game was annoying.
  2. CheeseJam CheeseJam
    This is a hard map for me to review. On one hand, I think some of the puzzles are great! Particularly the first puzzle and the pipe puzzle. However, I thought a few of the puzzles were a little cheap/ambiguous like the "similar rooms" puzzle and the puzzle where hitting a switch spawns another one somewhere else random hidden in the same room.

    I think the aesthetics are very good, while slightly sloppy in some sections (overlapping textures, objects going through roofs, etc.). Additionally, I didn't like that you were forced to restart the map when failing certain puzzles. I know you said this was unavoidable, but I think you could have figured out a way!

    I really liked the concept of the whole second part of the map in the city! I loved exploring the city and figuring out what each room was for. Overall I mostly liked the map with just a few complaints. Great job! :)


  1. grayfox127

    grayfox127 Legendary

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    Cant figure out first puzzle -_-
    M4t7theNinja likes this.

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