Fight for survival in the spider's nest.
This map layout features a split double helix to create a figure 8 continuous spiral ramp. There are a total of three levels. The bottom level is the initial spawning area. The bottom level also has a hydra and railgun weapon pad, opposite of each other. The middle level provides cover for the bottom level and is also used as a direct route to the other levels. The top level has a sniper weapon pad in the center, where the two sides intersect. To quickly get to the top level, there are tunnels with launch pads which can be accessed from the bottom level.
Spread out through the map, there is a smg, shotgun, BR, DMR, and two voids tear plasma pistol thingys so you can harness the power of the spider.
Also, watch out for the spiders, they can pull you in! Therefore, you can use the spider that drops down to pick you up and move quickly to the middle level.
There are a lot of big rocks on this map so I had to use the physics budget glitch to get past the budget. I don't think it affects gameplay all that much. There is a slight frame rate drop if you look all the way to the other side from the opposite end, but that is mainly caused by the amount of objects/vines in your frame at one time, not the glitch.
Also, while walking on some of the webs your jumping is restricted to simulate being caught in the web.
I haven't really tested out the player balance, but for now I'm gonna say it works best with 5v5. The map itself has 16 initial spawns, so its up to you.
Updated it to add some fx and sounds. Also made some of the cacoons move.
Here is a breakdown of the general map layout:
This is the base layout of the map. It is comprised of a split double helix that connects with itself to create a continuous figure 8 ramp. There are walls that cover up the sides and has openings in various spots.
Here is a view of the added quick access routes to different levels. In the center of the rings is the quick access from bottom to mid. On the edges of the rings is the quick access from bottom to top. Lastly, on the rings towards the top is the quick access from mid to top.
Lastly, I added these paths in the middle to provide quick access to and from the various openings throughout the rings. This also provides cover for the bottom.
I have also updated it to support FFA, CTF, and Infection. A couple of aesthetic fixes and weapon placements were done as well.