The Pit Halo 3 Remake

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Lil Red Ro0ster
    Halo 5 Guardians The Pit Halo 3 Remake. By Lil Red Ro0ster, with a Zer0
    PharmaGangsta1 and WAR like this.


  1. Lil Red Ro0ster

    Lil Red Ro0ster Legendary

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    Forgot to add torrents on top of tower in pictures, but they are there in map. Let me know everyone's option thanks.
    #2 Lil Red Ro0ster, Feb 5, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
  2. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty good, lots of textures look the same/similar. I was thinking that you could maybe add a brown light cone plus a dust FX on the two lifts to make it more like the O.G., would you consider that?
    Lil Red Ro0ster likes this.
  3. Lil Red Ro0ster

    Lil Red Ro0ster Legendary

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    For some reason the yellow lights aren't showing up from the lifts but they show up in forge or it might be because I'm using the invisible lift. I'll look into it now thanks
    PharmaGangsta1 likes this.
  4. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Invisible lifts will show up in forge, but not in customs even the light part doesnt appear in customs
    Lil Red Ro0ster likes this.
  5. Lil Red Ro0ster

    Lil Red Ro0ster Legendary

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    Thanks. I updated everything that I could think of to the map. I put color to the lifts team color base, I started with white/clear look but didn't like it as much. I added 2 more scatter grenades one on each tower to replace the Regenerators, and one in Sword base right before the bridge replacing the power drain. I also added 4 exploding fusion coils in places where they were in the halo 3 map. Hope you like the update.
  6. Lil Red Ro0ster

    Lil Red Ro0ster Legendary

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    Lil Red Ro0ster updated The Pit Halo 3 Remake with a new update entry:

    Map Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks really good! My question for you is whether or not grenades can be thrown through those gates near runway? If so i recommended putting invisible blockers on them. Also some areas of the map looked a little dark and i noticed minor z fighting from the video walkthrough. I'll download the map when I'm home.

    Running around the map I notice a lot more z-fighting.
    The gates definitely need invisible blockers.
    There's a couple floors that are bumpy that could be tweaked.
    It was kind of odd that green room doesn't have a ceiling.
    Using clamber, some of the aesthetic walls are campable in combination with spring jumping(not sure if they were able to be stood on in the original).
    I found a geometry bug where a grenade goes right through a wall in the blue base attic as well as some more bumpy floors that could be tweaked.
    In the bases there's open areas that are nadeable but you can't jump through them, seems kind of odd.
    I also found a way to get between the sniper bases in this narrow crouch spot, don't think this was possible in the original.
    The ledges in sword that allow you to look outside towards the bases don't seem to be there.
    Besides these issues, this map is very nicely scaled and I'd like to see it cleaned up a bit :)
    #8 FTG Insanity, Feb 7, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
  8. Lil Red Ro0ster

    Lil Red Ro0ster Legendary

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    Would u be able to join my game sometime and show me all the stuff u are talking about?
  9. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yes I'd gladly show you. If I'm online and i see you, I'll hit you up with an invite.
  10. Lil Red Ro0ster

    Lil Red Ro0ster Legendary

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