The Pelican Line


Map Description

  1. OutlawSkot33
    Even the UNSC enjoys ad hoc Grifball games. You're an inspiration to the troops Griff.

    Pelican Line was originally just an aesthetic map based one of the hangar I worked at in Louisiana and one I worked at in the Active Army. Someone mentioned it looked like Grifball could be played on it. So I added a court. Which does make sense as on active duty, once a week we play ultimate Frisbee for PT right in front of our hangar using the length of it as the goals. Even had a battalion wide tournament.

    Version 1 to 1.5:
    Resized court, was a tad larger.
    Fixed spawns.
    Removed Hangar D due to shadow LOD issues
    Replaced Hangar A end pieces due to vertex lighting bugs on a particular piece introduced in one of the Forge updates.
    Added a TACAN antenna.
    Added a VOR a antenna array.
    Opened up Hangar C.
    Changes made to terrain pieces Lightbake for frame rate issues.
    Updated court boundaries, Max Extra could get lost as to which end was which even with OBJ marked for him lol.
    Changes to intro cameras.


  1. I MetaBreaker I

    I MetaBreaker I Spartan III

    Likes Received:
    Map looks nice, and the game makes sense with the local. Will definitely give this one a try.

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