The Maw


Map Description

  1. xXBarthXx

    Cortana: "Activating final countdown timer. When it reaches zero the engines will detonate. The explosion will generate a temperature of almost one hundred million degrees. Don't be here when it blows."

    Game Mode Download:

    Welcome to my latest and greatest creation. Once again, welcome back to Installation 04, and welcome back to The Maw!

    After recreating the Halo 3 Warthog Run, I wanted to recreate the CE warthog run, and I know many people requested it too. The problem was, at the time, there weren't enough objects available, and with the available pallet of object we had at the time I felt it would never turn out well.

    Well fast forward several months later and here we are! With the new forge canvas, new objects, textures, scripting, and more, I feel I have perfectly recaptured the feeling of The Maw!

    I also wanted to try to recreate the cinematics for the iconic last level from Halo CE, so I spent about 3 (miserable lol) days making the maps, recording gameplay, recording dialogue, and sticking it all together. It's not the best, but I hope you guys enjoy it :)

    The game mode to use is called "Wildcat Destabilization". It is an infection variant, and the map "The Maw" is a linear style drive-or-die infection map. Overall, the map is probably only 1/4 smaller then the original CE level. Humans must drive to the end and escape on the longsword. The infected must simply blow up the hogs and/or kill the humans. If the humans fall too far back they will be teleported to their death. This map can also be used with Race, but all players must be on RED TEAM and there are no checkpoints.

    IMO, I'd say it's best with 10-16 players.

    Side note:
    Thanks to Elitez Fury, Wyvernzu, and Daemon Knight for the flood prefabs I used in the map/YouTube video!

    Brought to you by the Forge Factory team! Don't forget to checkout for a wide variety of high-quality maps made by experienced forgers!

Recent Reviews

  1. Ran this last night with 16 players. Had a great time watching 13 of us infected chasing the last fully loaded warthog to the end, with only one of the survivors successfully escaping. Love the Nav points on the hogs. It's too bad infected players can board via passenger seat, but it makes the role of a passenger way more important. It's also too bad the survivors are usually getting chased by floating green clouds because player models frequently disappear. The only suggestion I could think of is to somehow make things a bit easier for the survivors, because the situation described above was the only time a hog made it to the extraction, or maybe we are all just bad drivers lol.


  1. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Mad props to the true forger of final campaign missions.

    I'm going to grab some friends to try this out as soon as I can.
  2. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    Thanks! Let me know how it plays out!

    And up next is probably the last level of Halo 2 ;)
    Ryouji Gunblade likes this.
  3. CFA Ambersan

    CFA Ambersan Heroic

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    Ever since I first tested this map when you were tinkering with the physics and damage modifiers, I've been waiting to crack at this map when it was done. It looked so well made from the start all the way to the end. This is where the nostalgia strikes at its hardest! Now Barth, do you think it's a possibility to make a map on "The Covenant" (Halo 3 Campaign) where you touch down in the pelican and go all the way to the first tower activation key as a way of winning the round?
    xXBarthXx likes this.
  4. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    I hope the wait was worth it, and thanks for helping me test it out over and over again lol!

    I also have a friend who is working on remaking The Covenant, and form what I've seen so far I think it's gonna be pretty awesome :)
    CFA Ambersan likes this.
  5. CFA Ambersan

    CFA Ambersan Heroic

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    Yeah Sorry I wasn't able to test it much! I prefer lobbies with less randoms and more aimed towards our age group. - That and when people don't scream in microphones which can be quite obnoxious. I'm not going to hold that against you.

    Earlier today I went in the map alone just to adjust to the game play-style over Halo 5. It's a load of fun! Totally worth the wait.

    I'd like to help test his map when he starts public lobbies for tinkering with mechanics. So if you don't mind I'd hope I could join in that.
  6. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
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    This map looks so good it I accidentally put shaving cream on a piece of cherry pie.
  7. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    Haha, how was it?
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 26, 2016 ---
    It's all good, and that's understandable lol.

    And I'll try to invite you when the time comes :)
    #8 xXBarthXx, Dec 26, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
    JurassicWeeMan and CFA Ambersan like this.
  8. DC Valorstrike

    DC Valorstrike Promethean
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    Ok, kind of love you even put the screenshots on the game mode, and love the name of it as well
  9. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    If you have budget left you should put a dustin echoes memorial, however given the amount of detail and size on this map I highly doubt you have anything left, great job.
    xXBarthXx likes this.
  10. ReinaStorm

    ReinaStorm Nostalgia never dies
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    Every time I think you can't do any better, you seem to one-up yourself on these finale maps.
    JurassicWeeMan and xXBarthXx like this.
  11. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    Yup, I'm all maxed out lol.

    There's so much more I wish I could do to this map, but going back through the map it's really hard to find anywhere I can rebuild to save on objects.
  12. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    Thank you!

    Up next is probably Halo 2 :)
  13. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
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    Okay, I didn't actually eat the cherry pie piece with shaving cream on it. But
  14. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    Sure you didn't, neither did I ;)
    JurassicWeeMan and CFA Ambersan like this.
  15. DC Valorstrike

    DC Valorstrike Promethean
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    I like to think you did
  16. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    xXBarthXx updated The Maw with a new update entry:

    Version 1.1 Update: Game Mode Changes and Minor Map Changes

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Mistercheif1171

    Mistercheif1171 Legendary

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    This was great fun to play and I loved it when you joined, keep up the good work, and I do hope you find a way to fix the invisibility glitch cause I really love this map.
    xXBarthXx likes this.
  18. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    Thanks, glad you liked it! I think it happens when players join/leave during new rounds like I told you previously on Xbox. If I can find a way to fix it I will :)
    Mistercheif1171 likes this.
  19. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    xXBarthXx updated The Maw with a new update entry:

    Version 1.2 Update: Minor Trigger Zone Fixes

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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