Download the map "The Hidden Temple" and the gametype "Press BTN Receive Bacon" from gamertag: iBroadband. THE BASE GAMETYPE IS NEUTRAL FLAG
This is a challenging co-op puzzle designed by iBroadband, yy4me500, and OysterMeister. There are 6 rooms to complete, each with its own set of rules. The map should be played with the gametype "Press BTN Receive Bacon." Both can be found bookmarked on my profile. Be sure to play through the map on BLUE TEAM ONLY because there are some puzzles which require it.
Note: Because of the custom game selection bug, I have listed all the notable settings below.
Neutral 1 Flag, BLUE TEAM ONLY
- Time limit: Unlimited
- Score to win: 1
- Starting weapons: Plasma Pistol / None
- Unlimited Ammo: On (Bottomless is up to you)
- Vehicles Indestructible: On
If you find any issues, be sure to let me know! Good luck and have fun.