
Map Description

  1. ArturBloodshot
    "The sheep have come to the slaughterhouse..."
    -The Butcher

    The popular psychological horror experience for Halo 5 returns totally revamped. Inspired by Dead By Daylight and Outlast, this Infection game is the ultimate horror experience for Halo 5.

    This map was especially made for The Butcher gametype. It features chilling scenery, combined with the dark, narrow corridors and the tension of the game, they give place to a frightening and jittery ambience.

    The innovative and addictive sense of the map has brought this creation to be featured on HaloWaypoint and a place on 343 Industries Halloween SpookyFest.

    Gamertag: ArturBloodshot
    Map: The Cellar

    Gametype: The Butcher



    -Alpha infected in search of its preys. Slow because of its bloodthirsty blade, but its savage aura makes him deathless. He must kill everyone on his territory before the survivors escape from its hands.

    The Butcher scores for killing. He is immortal but he's slower than the survivors, he can't even sprint. He's got advanced motion sensor to spot unaware sheep and every time he kills someone for a bref period of time he can spot anyone in its territory.

    -Survivors left to die inside the cellar. They are agile, but defenseless against the butcher. They can survive by finding 4 Red Power Cells to activate the safe room's door and reach for their salvation... or they can just simly run for their lives.

    The survivors score for the time they survive. They can't thruster, so they need to rely on their feet. They must communicate in order to correctly find the power cells. They must hurry to activate the door 'cuz time luck is against them.

    -The cellar has a lot of corridors and rooms, kinda like a labyrinth.
    -There are no dead ends to prevent be cornered. Just keep running for your life.
    -The game scripting was made in a way that the Red Power Barrels spawn randomly each round, so keep an eye on every room.
    -Once the Power Barrels are found, go back to the escape door and activate the switch. Remember to close the door behind you!!

    I guarantee scarejumps and a lot of anxious and frightening moments. No one can escape the blow-mind horror behind this game. Fans of creepy pasta and psychological terror games will love this one.

    It was a great experience creating this. Any feedback will be appreciated. Play and share! Hope you enjoy it! AB out.:skull:
    D4rkDeath, REMkings, DazeJet and 4 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. D4rkDeath D4rkDeath
    Let me start with I am not typically a mini game person, but playing this through the customs browser is a lot of fun! I won't use my typical point system to rate the map because it is a mini game. However, the map provides that scared feeling of survival horror when you know you are screwed and just waiting for it to happen. Great job! The Cellar truly provides an entertaining experience and is immersive enough to make you feel outside of Halo inside of Halo.
  2. ReinaStorm ReinaStorm
    Absolutely terrifying. Enjoyed playing this on customs night with ya! Only downside is the Butcher not being white. But that's just a problem with Infection's current settings and not your fault.
  3. ABEeli25 ABEeli25
    This map is freaking awsome, It's really scary. You have talent for this... I think i'm in love with you.
  4. I think the map looks great, hard to see in a few places. maybe some smaller lights to clear that up, not to much tho. The biggest problem I have is the way you set it up. I was lost most of the time, maybe add some markers that help players find there way around.


  1. NILLOC916

    NILLOC916 Legendary

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    I played this with a bunch of friends and we loved it. Very spooky, you'll freak the hell out if you see the Butcher. One piece of feedback though, the gamemode works better if you set there to be 1 life per round. Otherwise the butcher can end up having some buddies running around with him.
    ArturBloodshot likes this.
  2. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks dude! I'm glad you liked it. Fear on every corner.

    I remember set it to 1 life, that's the premise of "fear for your life". Thanks for the feedback, I will fix that. :)
  3. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ArturBloodshot updated The Cellar with a new update entry:

    First Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  5. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Played it in my lobby today and it definitely has a nice, creepy atmosphere. So you're pretty much set aesthetics-wise.

    I couldn't play the map long enough though so I don't have much feedback regarding gameplay for now. Anyway, is there any reason why the gametype is set to only 1 round? Why not 3 or 4?
    ArturBloodshot likes this.
  6. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, thanks dude! I really go forward for the immersive experience of my maps.:)

    Answering your question: I set it to just 1 round because of the scripting. Couldn't get a system that actually works for mutliple rounds. I'm working on that.
  7. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Please do. It's quite annoying when I have to keep loading it up just to play multiple rounds. Especially when one round ends quick.

    The experience becomes more tedious than immersive.
  8. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  9. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map and the gametype are now updated, now they support multiple rounds! I conceived a scripting systems that actually works :surprise:
    Hope now you enjoy it a little more.
    Zandril likes this.
  10. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good job. Just played a game on this and I think this map is really coming around. Just a few things.

    • Decrease the time from 5 mins to 4 mins.
    • Make things easier for the humans. The map's a big maze and every area is very similar. No one is really going to memorize the maze and gameplay is mostly people just walking around randomly hoping to find the barrels. And that's fine. BUT, I think there are too many barrels. Decrease the number from 6 barrels to 3 or 4. Because after people do find all the barrels, they have to find their way back to the exit door.
    • Is it possible for the zombie to just camp the exit door? Because that would just ruin things if the humans find all the barrels. Maybe put a soft kill in the general area.
    • Not sure about this one but try to distinguish the areas near the rooms of the map (including the exit door). That way when people are in these areas, they'll have an idea that they're near a room. Not sure if this will make it too easy or if it will balance things out. You'll have to see for yourself.
    ArturBloodshot likes this.
  11. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, I really want this project to go forward. :)

    • Yeah, the map istelf is a little confusing at the beginning (that's the point of the game, because the Butcher is also disoriented) but the decoration on every rooms is different, so there's a chance to recognize events.
    • Actually there are 9 barrels around the map, but the scripting makes the counting just up to 6, so there is a 2/3 chances to find those barrels. I think that's a good start.
    • About zombie camping at the door area: If the Butcher starts camping, he will eventually not get any kills, so he cannot just stay in one place all the time. Maybe some soft kill volumes scare the adventurous like you suggest.
    • I put two types of lights: terror blinks for the corridors and normal setup with more brightness for the rooms to make the distinguish. Maybe it didn't load the lighting properly on you.

    I tested the 5 min rounds with a full party and worked fine, but I will follow your advice and test it with a 4 min rounds, especially if I decrease the barrel count.
  12. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah I think decreasing the barrel count is a good step forward because I played a total of 5 rounds on the map and not once did the humans get all the barrels. The farthest we got was 3 barrels and that's with all 6 being there.

    Have you actually had a game on the map where people found all barrels?

    P.S. I recommended 4 min rounds because in this type of game, the people who are dead have nothing to do but spectate. That can get boring real fast. 4 mins seemed like the right time for humans to find 3 barrels and wasn't too long for the people who died already.
    ArturBloodshot likes this.
  13. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, in the matches I've played with full lobby, in half of them at least one survivor has made it to the safe room. I guess is an acceptable percentage; we can compare it with the times a survivor in a default Infection match survive an entire round.

    About the time: that's a good point, I'm gonna change that. And about the barrels: I will test games with less barrels, that should be done if I'm decreasing the time.

    PS: I added the soft kill volumes to prevent camping, also changed the lighting of corridors and rooms to make a better the distinguish between them.
  14. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If we're indeed comparing with Infection, then it should be more than one survivor. If simply decreasing the barrels don't work, have you considered lowering the barrel requirement? By that, I mean keep the number of barrels in the map 6 but lower the required number that the humans have to find to like 3 or 4. Idk just an idea.

    I look forward to your updates to the map :)
  15. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ArturBloodshot updated THE CELLAR with a new update entry:

    The Butcher 2.0

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There you go! Hope now everything works perfectly /,,/
  17. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll let you know how I find the updates soon as I can play the map :)

    Props to you though for continuing to update the map. In my experience, it takes a lot of testing and tweaking to find the right balance for maps like these.
  18. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ArturBloodshot updated THE CELLAR with a new update entry:

    Glitches Fix

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. ArturBloodshot

    ArturBloodshot The Architect
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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