1. ryan LFC 92
    ryan LFC 92
    Version: 1.0
    I played this a while ago. while the idea seems cool, it wasnt fun. It plays like the classic linear maps from halo 3 but with a nicer skin. linear maps have evolved since then and these days, players want more.

    The cool style this map has, I thought made the map a bit confusing at times as it made what is a simple linear path into something I almost felt lost in. Maybe this was your goal but I think it turns players off.

    Once I got to the objective of pushing the boulder, suddenly the map went from easy (minus the poor navigation) to super hard. I never got past that point and never felt incentive to do so as I was bored with everything else before it which felt like 3 or 4 minutes of the map.

    Even with everything halo 5 has to offer, this plays worse than the omega journey from halo 3 which im sure was your inspiration. I bet this was a learning experience for you. I went through the same. Ive learnt that people want condensed, well thought out gameplay within the first 3 minutes of a map. Less quantity, more quality when it comes to gameplay. I feel the best maps are the ones that manage to fit everything into short rounds yet still make it diificult to complete. I think that is what you should strive for with future linear maps.