Alright, pending further tweaks on the upcoming 'Xanatos Edition' here's what's new:
- Geometry / Pathing Reshuffle
*added new 'pagoda' to catwalk, as well as a banner as 'cover' - did the same for upper (full) and lower (partial) Dome to shield spawns (pictured)
*updated rubble cliff between Sleepy Grotto and Upper Grotto Wisp corner - now features a staircase (yes, it is a path and can be walked now)
*updated and completely overhauled Archway and King Hill layout and pathing - deathpit is gone (too bad, I know), replaced with a smooth stairway up to a shallow jump to the normal King Hill rock outcrop - behind that is closed off under normal circumstances, but may be opened up by weapons fire, grenades, or melee attacks, and offers a very narrow doorway to a backpathway up from the Wisp corner/Blue Grotto jump. Shuffled a couple rocks to add cover and added a single rock formation to the Central Ruined Platform to break up pathing a little more clearly, and provide access to the previously (and purposefully) inaccessible Rooftop Garden (pictured, sorta)
*added destructible flooring to previously empty area on left side of Villa grand staircase to avert awkward deaths and clambers
*flipped pagoda to allow ease of access to upper level of Dome via jump from catwalk + removed railing at end of Dome (pictured)
*1-way teles from Bottom Villa to Catwalk Doorway
*banner on Catwalk doubles as cover and as a pathing tool, forcing a choice between backpedalling or jumping to Bottom Villa
*opened up central pylon to make Wisp corner less Sleepy (subject to minor aesthetic changes - pictured)
- Weapon Reshuffle:
*moved Light Rifle from King Hill to original gunfighter spawn (pictured)
*moved Sniper to Catwalk
*moved Ammo Box to Blue Grotto
*added Extended Mag (2clips) Pistol to Dome
*added SMG (1clip) to Bottom Grotto (under Sentinel Beam) - SUBJECT TO CHANGE (but pictured nonetheless)
*moved DMR to Upper Grotto Wisp
*moved Gunfighter Pistol to original Light Rifle spawn (Glowing Rock at King Hill)
- Spawning Update
*added spawns to new Archway path
*reoriented and added spawns in Villa/Dome
*reoriented and added spawns in Blue and Central Grotto
*moved Red Spawn to lower King Hill so as to equalize Time To Sniper for both teams
- Environmental Detailing
*re-did lighting in Sleepy Corner to improve framerate
*removed majority of cable pieces because framerate, replaced with suitable concrete barriers
*added multiple natural elements to flesh out the fauna
*added stalactites to newly opened central pylon
*re-did lighting all over the place to get less weird things
*added a starfish Easter Egg - try to find it!
That should cover everything I think...