Spring Cleaning Update:
- Weapon update:
1 Extra Clip in SMG (up from 0)
Swapped SMG and Sentinel Beam spawns
Moved Ammo Box to Tele Exit
Fixed Sniper Spawn
Added a Carbine to Building lower level
Duplicated some Frag and Plasma Grenades
- Telegraphed Teleporter a bit better
- Minor Aesthetic Changes here and there
- Added a single rock piece to create a new jump pathway along blue corridor
Three Cinematic Experiences -
- Big Thanks to @Ascend Hyperion and @brusky0086 for their run-thrus and feedback, and to @Xandrith and @MultiLockOn for being patient with my horrible understanding of gameplay incentives for high-level (read: cheesing) conceptual combat techniques and strategy - and to everyone else who's played the map and had anything to say about it. I may not always implement, but I always listen.
*********** READ THE UPDATE **********
Most recent art update walkthrough:
Enhanced environmental details, maxed out object count, and other stupid things like that.
So - it is another 1v1. Yes, 2v2 and FFA (2-4) can work, but it was originally conceived to up the ante when it comes to my gameplay design and terrain usage - as well as to simply see how far I can push the piece budget for aesthetic alone. Keep your wits about you, and listen for footfalls - pending an upcoming SFX overhaul, the most hidden portion of the map does have some audio cues (thanks 343), so listen for that if you can't find your opponent.
Verticality ranges from low to h
h, depending on where you find yourself. Some gunfights will cross the map, others will be mid-range with lots of elevation changes and funky angles, others will be very close quarters and frantic. The intent was to have a single path with multiple branching possibilities that can be used both defensively and offensively (really, offensively - I do not recommend standing still on this map if you see your opponent; reposition, attack, or get stuck with your back to the wall). I think I've done an O.K. job of that. If I'm totally honest, there isn't much I can do at this point to change the geometry, so I'm calling it done.
Here's a crappy walkthrough, featuring ME failing at my own jumps:
Sniper down low and exposed.
Sentinel Beam at top mid.
Light Rifle hidden away in the corner of the cave (subject to change).
Gunfighter Magnum down low on a secondary route.
Various Grenades (subject to change).
Ammo Box tucked away in the center of the map.
Updated Thanatos 1.1 Weapons:
Sniper bottom center/edge - 4 shots, 117 second respawn, death/deletion
Sentinel Beam at top mid - 75% energy, 110 second respawn, death/deletion
Light Rifle hidden away in the corner of the cave (subject to change) - 1 clip, 60 second respawn, death/deletion
Covenant Sight DMR - 1 clip, 70 second respawn, death/deletion
Gunfighter Magnum down low on a secondary route - 2 clips, 30 second respawn
Various Grenades scattered along midpoints in pathways
Ammo Box tucked away in the center of the map (may remove)
Small fixes will come - the ones listed for fiddling are:
all complete! More will likely arise, though
some framerate **** - don't complain, just buy an XBoneX
I was toying with calling this map "Resurrection" given the thematic background and how long it has been since I published anything of substance, or really finished a map. Those who've paid attention will know why I've been away for so long, but I won't be publishing much *lore* for this one - the more left unsaid on a public post the better. That said, the impetus for this map was looking more seriously at some religious themes and ideas that are sorely lacking in the secular world (i.e. a basis for morality, self-knowledge, and self-restraint... but that's an entirely different conversation). Obviously I can't really convey that message with the gameplay (yet), so I've contented myself with the backdrop and the aesthetics. Look for some Easter Eggs!
Let me know how it goes.