GT: PolyGoner
My first complete map in Halo 5 as well as the first map I've ever successfully completed in Forge. It started out solely as an aesthetic piece just to learn the new Forge tools better, and see if detailed High Charity-themed corridors were possible with the budget, but I didn't want to compromise gameplay so I also did a lot of tweaking for map flow as well. Originally the Beam Rifle had no sightlines and overall the map was just claustrophobic and aimless. The gameplay shouldn't feel like an afterthought now. Spartan Abilities are to flow seamlessly with the map geometry for the most part, as the map does have it's share of jumps.
Really excited to get this one out and see what I learn, and my main inspiration was the mission Gravemind from Halo 2. I've always liked the Covenant design language and High Charity encompasses all of that for me. Fortunately with Halo 5's Forge mode that is a reality.