5v5 Slayer

Map Description

  1. PolyG
    GT: PolyGoner

    My first complete map in Halo 5 as well as the first map I've ever successfully completed in Forge. It started out solely as an aesthetic piece just to learn the new Forge tools better, and see if detailed High Charity-themed corridors were possible with the budget, but I didn't want to compromise gameplay so I also did a lot of tweaking for map flow as well. Originally the Beam Rifle had no sightlines and overall the map was just claustrophobic and aimless. The gameplay shouldn't feel like an afterthought now. Spartan Abilities are to flow seamlessly with the map geometry for the most part, as the map does have it's share of jumps.

    Really excited to get this one out and see what I learn, and my main inspiration was the mission Gravemind from Halo 2. I've always liked the Covenant design language and High Charity encompasses all of that for me. Fortunately with Halo 5's Forge mode that is a reality.

    DOWNLOAD: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...olyGoner_e19a63bb-3afe-4811-960a-a735a625c4cf

Recent Reviews

  1. Insanely accurate and nostalgic masterpiece of Halo 2's High Charity. Playing on this map will take you back to the detailed corridors, multi-leveled gravity lift-filled verticality, and misty mysteries of an ancient Covenant city.


  1. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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  2. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Excellent mastery of the covenant theme; covenant carbines, classic Halo 2 BRs, fuel rods, beam rifles and swords take you back to some of the most iconic missions of Halo 2.
  3. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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    *Sees review*
    *Realize I forgot to place BR spawns back on the map.*

    This will be rectified immediately!

    Also thank you!
    JurassicWeeMan likes this.
  4. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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    #5 PolyG, Feb 8, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
    JurassicWeeMan likes this.
  5. Zach Sewell

    Zach Sewell Legendary

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    Haven't played on the map yet, but one thing I can already say is the lighting is absolutely beautiful. They it reflects off of the cylinder pillars really give the map a much more lively look. Will definitely be doing a Forge Showcase on my channel for this map. Channel name is FallenKingsGaming, gamertag is kingsewell28. Keep up the great work!
    JurassicWeeMan likes this.
  6. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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    PolyG updated TESTAMENT with a new update entry:

    Testament Final

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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  8. Dino

    Dino Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I don't know, maybe having the Beam Rifle located in such a spot where there is only one way up (that the video showed), makes it a little to over powered. I'm not sure if you were going for the feeling of the actual Campaign missions where most places the Jackals sat at with Beam Rifles were hard to reach, but it doesn't really work for Multiplayer. Maybe if they had to trek across the map WITH the Beam Rifle to that location, OK, but since the weapon spawns up there, it makes that spot to easy to control. Also, I would work on the areas of the map that just seem to be empty voids. Other than that, good work.
    PolyG likes this.
  9. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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    That was me trying to incentivize players going downstairs in FFA and putting pressure on the gravity lifts...

    It shouldn't be up there in team modes...? I didn't forget to change that for team modes, did I? I did. Crap. Stay tuned.

    Another thing to note is that the video is from January. Quite a few significant changes have been made since then. Don't worry.
    #10 PolyG, Apr 24, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    Dino likes this.
  10. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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    Dino and JurassicWeeMan like this.

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