Maps such as this are why I craft mine so carefully; to create a work of art both visually (hard to do with the frame-rate problems, etc :3) and with respect to gameplay. This map has no artistic integrity, as it is simply a thrown together remake of an overused design, without the introduction of new elements to bring it into its own. Oracle, a map created by Squally DaBeanz, completely blows this map out of the water in terms of creating a Midship clone, and introduces a few new design elements, which, although whether they fit is an object of preference, at least try to innovate in a category that is sorely dry. The fact that professional players would push for a map such as this completely disgusts me, only proving that an absence of quality (in terms of map preference) is blatantly present in the mindset of those whom support this utter short-fall of a map.
- 1/5,
- 1/5,
One thread was enough. It wasn't well received the first time, and it doesn't look like there's anything different on this post's version. I'm sure there are forgers on this board that would be willing to help you get it up to par, but at that point, a lot of the current map would have to be scrapped. It's far too flat and open, and its just all so... boring. Yeah that's a common complaint with Midship clones, but this one is just... I can't even think of the word I'm looking for.
If this map is going to be taken even halfway seriously, there are a lot of changes that need to be made. -
Jesus in Malibu
- 2/5,
While I wouldn't say this map is a flat out 1/10, its still not great and it doesn't help that pro competitive players are trying to push this for HCS Season 2 despite it's major flaws. This map is far too flat and is quite frankly too simple while I should also mention the very large lines-of-sight. Unless the map has been updated since I've last seen it, many spawn points were facing walls as well. The aesthetic details on this map aren't too terrible besides the overlaying textures, small z-fighting and the outer walls which seem to made up of just 10x10 flat blocks. Nikola Tesla would be disappointed.
Squally DaBeanz
- 1/5,
Why is this being posted a second time? I literally don't see a single difference from the old post... Well, here we go again. I'll just copy what I said before:
"I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a Midship clone this bad. The entire bottom is one flat plane with lazy cover scattered throughout. Each base is just a box with ramps up the side. The middle platform is a single elongated bridge floating in the air with a single teleporter frame floating above it. Even Gold and Purple are flat out lazy and uninspired. This map offers no depth, no interesting gameplay, and has no replayability. Also, spawns are scattered throughout the map in seemingly mindless positions, many of which aren't even facing the center of the map. To top everything off, the aesthetics of this map are pretty abysmal. The outer walls are giant slabs of concrete, while each base and tower is a concrete box, all sitting on top of a flat grassy surface with rocks and trees being used as lazy cover. Midship clones have been done so many times that anything new added in to that category would have to bring something really different and exciting to even be noticed. Unfortunately, this map can't even live up to the standard formula of a Midship clone and offers absolutely nothing new to the table. If you're going to try to make a Midship clone, I suggest you do some research into the creation of the original Midship, it's successors, and every well known Midship clone in the forging community. Try to understand what made those maps work beyond the simple gameplay and trick jumps. Things like verticality, slight height variations throughout, dynamic lines of sight, power position counters, interesting architecture and shapes, and even aesthetics. Hopefully then you'll come back with a better map."