4v4 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. Diesel

    *Disclaimer: Will someone please delete the old TESLA page, I didn't make that topic and I've been trying to edit it and update it, but seeing as I didn't make it and Diesel is my old account on here from 08 and i do not have the password anymore I thought i'd update this with a proper description and pictures.*

    Arena style map designed to play CTF, Neutral Bomb, and Slayer.

    Onslaught and Midship

    Sword x1
    Brute Plasma Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x1
    Covenant Carbine x1
    Suppressed SMG x1
    Battle Rifle x3
    Magnum x2
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x4

    Overshield 2 minute respawn

    TESLA is a map that I forged after talking to a few pro players. During the process of forging the map I brought them in and went over likes, dislikes, and ideas for the map. After working with them for sometime I believe the map is ready.

    Pro Player that helped:

    If you wanna download TESLA go to my fileshare (DLESLE) and download "HCS - TESLA"

Recent Reviews

  1. Kurismic Kurismic
    Maps such as this are why I craft mine so carefully; to create a work of art both visually (hard to do with the frame-rate problems, etc :3) and with respect to gameplay. This map has no artistic integrity, as it is simply a thrown together remake of an overused design, without the introduction of new elements to bring it into its own. Oracle, a map created by Squally DaBeanz, completely blows this map out of the water in terms of creating a Midship clone, and introduces a few new design elements, which, although whether they fit is an object of preference, at least try to innovate in a category that is sorely dry. The fact that professional players would push for a map such as this completely disgusts me, only proving that an absence of quality (in terms of map preference) is blatantly present in the mindset of those whom support this utter short-fall of a map.
  2. One thread was enough. It wasn't well received the first time, and it doesn't look like there's anything different on this post's version. I'm sure there are forgers on this board that would be willing to help you get it up to par, but at that point, a lot of the current map would have to be scrapped. It's far too flat and open, and its just all so... boring. Yeah that's a common complaint with Midship clones, but this one is just... I can't even think of the word I'm looking for.

    If this map is going to be taken even halfway seriously, there are a lot of changes that need to be made.
  3. While I wouldn't say this map is a flat out 1/10, its still not great and it doesn't help that pro competitive players are trying to push this for HCS Season 2 despite it's major flaws. This map is far too flat and is quite frankly too simple while I should also mention the very large lines-of-sight. Unless the map has been updated since I've last seen it, many spawn points were facing walls as well. The aesthetic details on this map aren't too terrible besides the overlaying textures, small z-fighting and the outer walls which seem to made up of just 10x10 flat blocks. Nikola Tesla would be disappointed.
  4. Why is this being posted a second time? I literally don't see a single difference from the old post... Well, here we go again. I'll just copy what I said before:
    "I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a Midship clone this bad. The entire bottom is one flat plane with lazy cover scattered throughout. Each base is just a box with ramps up the side. The middle platform is a single elongated bridge floating in the air with a single teleporter frame floating above it. Even Gold and Purple are flat out lazy and uninspired. This map offers no depth, no interesting gameplay, and has no replayability. Also, spawns are scattered throughout the map in seemingly mindless positions, many of which aren't even facing the center of the map. To top everything off, the aesthetics of this map are pretty abysmal. The outer walls are giant slabs of concrete, while each base and tower is a concrete box, all sitting on top of a flat grassy surface with rocks and trees being used as lazy cover. Midship clones have been done so many times that anything new added in to that category would have to bring something really different and exciting to even be noticed. Unfortunately, this map can't even live up to the standard formula of a Midship clone and offers absolutely nothing new to the table. If you're going to try to make a Midship clone, I suggest you do some research into the creation of the original Midship, it's successors, and every well known Midship clone in the forging community. Try to understand what made those maps work beyond the simple gameplay and trick jumps. Things like verticality, slight height variations throughout, dynamic lines of sight, power position counters, interesting architecture and shapes, and even aesthetics. Hopefully then you'll come back with a better map."


  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Quoting this from the other thread, since I'm going to close it:

    "Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by and clear a few things up. If you’re in the competitive community you might know me or have at least heard of me in some way since H2. I used to play competitively a long time ago and i’ve been coach ever since. I’ve coached Status Quo, Dynasty, Ambush, CLG, and Believe the Hype. If you don’t know me by TylerHoyt or Diesel you may know me by the nickname i got in H4 of NASA by the way i count down weapons. Any way i’m not here to talk about my background in competitive halo, i’m here to talk about this map.

    Notice how i said “this” map instead of “my” map. I recently heard that Tesla was posted on here so I wanted to check it out. I’ve read the comments and thought i would post and talk to a few of you.

    I do want to start off by saying i know forge pretty well and have used it since H3. I might not be the BEST or most skill aesthetically, but i do know what i’m doing. I worked with Killa KC and Ponytar on finding and testing maps in Reach. I also worked with Ghos7 on the competitive settings. So since 2008 i’ve worked with a lot of forgers.

    Now to Tesla. Yes I am the one who forged it. I didn’t sit with a pencil and paper for hours on hours designing it. This is not my masterpiece. I’m close with a lot of professional halo players I talked with about 6-7 of them on what they wanted in a map. I took notes and i came up with the idea that i would take the bases from Onslaught and the side structures of midship and combine them. They want a map that they believe plays well and is simple. I like real clean and simple maps (as you can tell, its my style i guess) I’m sorry if you’re not a fan of that. I worked with the pros on every step of this map, asking what they wanted, like and didn’t like about the map and changed it up on what played the best.

    I want to make it clear that i have no clue if the HCS is going to be using any forge maps for the 2nd season. I also want to say that i don’t have any pull or what not to get my map in Season 2 I just worked with my friends on a map and they enjoy it. If you play this map i hope you enjoy it.

    PS if you have any tips on spawns LET ME KNOW!!! my twitter is @TylerHoyt"
    Behemoth likes this.
  2. Diesel

    Diesel Tyler Hoyt
    Senior Member

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  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Add me on xbox and send me a message, I'll help you out with the map some if you want. Sadly, it still doesn''t look like it will hold up against some of the great small 2 base arenas we already have.

    GT: Whos Blaze
  4. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    These Halo pros are cancer to map creation.

    No offense, I don't see the point in mixing Midship and a limited Midship, when it's certain to be worse than the original Midship. I have been there, even without pro player opinions. It's just cookie-cutter map design that does nothing more than practice using objects.
    The Fated Fire likes this.
  5. Jesus in Malibu

    Jesus in Malibu Legendary

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    I'm sorry but just because you know pro players and they say that THIS is the best for gameplay, that does not mean this map is great. I suggest going around the forums and taking tips or even asking for help from some well known core competitive forgers in this community who know how map design REALLY works. Just because a pro player may be one of the best Halo players out there, does not mean they can help you make a great map.
  6. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I don't care to follow the example you're all setting right now. Throw your personal stigma aside for the moment, this map is no worse than Amplified or Onslaught. Whether or not he has pull in regards to HCS maps is irrelevant, I could play devil's advocate and reason why a small arena map would be better for tournament play than anything this site has pumped out for HCS in the last several weeks. But I'm not.

    I'm embarrassed to even associate myself with the immaturity of this forum right now. There's been worse maps. Move on.
    SheapCreaper and Kurismic like this.
  7. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    LET GO JACK. Lost anyone?

    Anyways, I agree that we should try to give actual feedback instead of repeat what he has read and probably heard multiple times before about tesla.
  8. Kurismic

    Kurismic Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Maps such as this are why I craft mine so carefully; to create a work of art both visually (hard to do with the frame-rate problems, etc :3) and with respect to gameplay. This map has limited artistic integrity, as it is simply a thrown together remake of an overused design, without the introduction of new elements to bring it into its own (besides the corners). Oracle, a map created by Squally DaBeanz, bests this map in terms of creating a Midship clone (especially with spawns), and introduces a few new design elements, which, although whether they fit is an object of preference, at least try to innovate in a category that is sorely dry. The fact that professional players would push for a map such as this completely disgusts me, only proving that an absence of quality (in terms of map preference) is blatantly present in the mindset of those whom support maps recreating a design that has already been overdone.

    All of this being said, I would like to offer some suggestions and possibly even personal help. The bottom is too open, the sword ledge is very displeasing in terms of artistic quality, and the bases could be changed in a few ways to better fit the map. However, I believe the map has a good flow and quite a few redeeming aesthetic piece choices, such as the antenna large pieces. I think that, if you wish to pursue it, you could recreate this map to better standards while simultaneously improving your forge abilities. I would gladly offer my assistance if you'd like. I am sorry if I seemed harsh, I only wish for the best maps to be viewed as much as this has been, and the controversy behind the map also may have influenced my comment. If you'd like to discuss forge, I'm sure many people would like to, including myself. Feel free to send me a message @Kurismic. Good luck, and good forging!
  9. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It has less to do with the fact that it is a small arena map, but rather it has to do with the fact that it is literally a mix between Midship and Onslaught. There is nothing original about it, just that it has a couple unique jumps, and that it is larger and more misshapen. I would leave constructive feedback, but there really isn't a point.

    Now I don't care enough to leave a 1 star review, but I have no reason to support this map. This map isn't even what Diesel wanted to forge, it's what the pros wanted him to forge. That....is sad.

    Edit: I'm not fully convinced this map plays better than Amplified. It probably has an advantage in spawning, but Amplified is more compact and will play much faster.
    #10 Korlash, Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2015
    TheElderAcorn likes this.

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