4v4 - 5v5
Slayer, CTF, BOMB, BALL, Strongholds
Syphon started with the idea of an center cylindrical building on is side with multiple levels within the cylinder that allowed for under ground and above ground conflict.
That blossomed into the inverse symmetrical 2 base design that you see today. After testing a few times I found where the terrain and pathing needed adjustments. There is a now cave system that allows for movement completely underground for sneaky flag and bomb movement.
Over the course of the design I typically figure out what my maps will actually be, it very rare that I set out to make a (insert theme here) and finish a map. I like to design a layout then apply a theme.
This map 'Syphon' has become a hydroelectric power facility built on a water abundant planet.
The structure has failed in a few areas mainly due to tectonic movement, but the main converter remains functional and continues to produce enough power to overflow through the middle of the map.
This has been a rather quick build in just 12 total hours into the map, I hope you all enjoy, please send any feedback to LoTuS.
I will also be submitting this to all the ATN testing lobbies.
Thank you for looking!