
8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. WeedCough
    Hey doods :cool:

    So I've figured I gotta start finishing and posting my maps. This will be the first of em.

    Sustainability is a few months old. It's a remake of the FF map Unearthed from Reach. Translated pretty well to BTB, was a pretty smooth forge. Supports BTB slayer and strongholds. Gunna put flag in soon. For a BTB map I packed a bunch of details in. Theres a bit of frame rate but I'm working on it.

    Each side has a hog. Neutral ghost in the middle.


    SPNK Rocket Launcher
    Grenade Launcher
    Light Rifle (x2)
    SMG Recon
    Plasma Grenade (x2)

    I for sure will change the weapon set in the future. I haven't tested this at all lol. Cant find BTB lobbies. If anyone has any feedback, don't be afraid to let me know in the comments.

    Enjoy :yes:


  1. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    Defiantly nostalgic! This makes me wish we had placeable AI.
    WeedCough likes this.
  2. ARC1T3CTZ

    ARC1T3CTZ Heroic

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    Acend Hyperion has map testing lobbies every Thursday with live stream I believe also I no max extra hosts map testing lobbies on Fridays. Map looks nice man..peace
    WeedCough likes this.
  3. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
    Senior Member

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    thanks dude, I'm sure we will in the fewture

    yeah ill probably try to get some tests done next week, thanks man
  4. Mistercheif1171

    Mistercheif1171 Legendary

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    This looks good. Definitely bookmarking this.
    WeedCough likes this.
  5. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm only going to say this because you're a good forger, but that name is terrible ahahaha
    Pat Sounds, Chronmeister and Connie like this.
  6. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    I know :( help
    Xandrith likes this.
  7. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great stuff, I'm doing some BTB testing this weekend. If you would like to join, add me and hit me up, I'd love to give it a try and talk about the map. I usually test with just a few in the party and get the fandoms in, just like a real BTB experience haha!
    Connie and WeedCough like this.
  8. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Im moving this weekend, but next time you're doing testing ill hit you up thanks man
    D4rkDeath likes this.
  9. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good work man! I was excited to see when you would release this puppy haha. Enjoyed playing around on it earlier when I made your vid. Looking forward to your others being released!
    WeedCough likes this.
  10. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I spent a good amount of time walking around on this. I fully understand this is mostly a remake of a beloved firefight map, I do challenge you to make some balancing alterations for BTB. This map looks really great and I could see how it could be fun for BTB. However, there are some glaring issues with it. Let me start with the positive feedback though.

    The map overall looks aesthetically pleasing, especially for a BTB map, which is hard to pull off. The use of pieces for the buildings really drives in some immersion.

    Most of the routes are great, creating what I assume would be a unique flow to the map.

    The optimization of your pieces is done very well, keeping your performance in check on the map.

    This really feels like a well done Reach map.

    Things to consider:
    I will start with the green backdrop, it pulls me out of the immersion. When I look out at it, it is so lush looking in such a dry area. Pine trees in the desert is a very conflicting theme and unnatural looking. There are pine trees in dry areas, however the entire backdrop clashes for me. I would suggest adding in a desert background instead, maybe add elevation with cliffs or something and you could use the green alpine bushes around the map, they feel more in line with that dry of a desert look.

    The terrain in general could use some reworking, you can see a lot of the lines and can perfectly distinguish the pieces individually. I suggest a bit more use of ramps to blend in flat to sloped areas, the hills are also budget heavy and in my experience are harder on the game engine. Smoothing out the terrain would likely make for a better driving experience with the warthogs as well, I found myself bumping and twisting a lot.

    The wall separating the backdrop and the map and the use of invisible blockers is very misleading, from the sniper stronghold, being unable to fall back feels unrealistic. I would suggest in your rework of the backdrop, that you make the edge more of an obvious boundary with higher walls, or a cliff of some sort. Make use of timed kill boundaries and hard kill boundaries in this case.

    The sloped orange roof building hosting the grenade launcher is easy to to get up on and escape the map. Again, I would make better use of timed and hard kill boundaries.

    The sniper building feels hard to access, I would recommend ways to get up making that area more accessible. I would connect the building with the upper bridge to the sniper. That bridge could hit stairs that connect with your stronghold.

    The red spawn is very open and the blue spawn is protected and enclosed. I suggest making red area a cave or adding terrain changes/cover. You could also move red spawn behind the tall building.

    Your spawns around the outer areas of the map will be seen frequently by players and abused. I suggest figuring out a way for safer spawning for players.

    Some of the invisible barriers should just be timed kill with a hard kill ceiling.

    I also suggest somewhat of a safe route from your team spawns to avoid camping during CTF. Use spawn volumes for CTF and assault.

    You are an excellent forger and I love your content. Please take this feedback with a grain of salt as I have not played a game on it. This is meant to challenge you and make this an enjoyable and balanced experience.
  11. Connie

    Connie Catgirls Don't Cry
    Senior Member

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    Damn, beat me to it! I started this exact project over a year ago and forgot it!
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 23, 2017 ---
    Try Dugout ;)
  12. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
    Senior Member

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    First of all, thanks for looking through the map and giving some honest feedback :). I've been moving to a another city and had a pretty busy weekend, so sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner lol.

    Things to consider:
    I will start with the green backdrop, it pulls me out of the immersion. When I look out at it, it is so lush looking in such a dry area. Pine trees in the desert is a very conflicting theme and unnatural looking. There are pine trees in dry areas, however the entire backdrop clashes for me. I would suggest adding in a desert background instead, maybe add elevation with cliffs or something and you could use the green alpine bushes around the map, they feel more in line with that dry of a desert look.

    Yeah it looks a little off due to Forge limits, but the lush green forest look actually goes with my theme. I should probably update the post to include a bit of lore. The OG was some sort of space mining dealy-o with a giant circular excavation hole in the skybox. I tried reproducing this but it ate a lot of budget and didn't look great. So I decided to change the skybox and make up some lore. It's set on a planet that lost most of its forests due to climate change. These giant tree farms were necessary for producing oxygen for the planet.

    I'm actually thinking of going the whole nine yards and move it to tidal, recolour the buildings and make it set in a jungle. But I hate moving maps :(

    The terrain in general could use some reworking, you can see a lot of the lines and can perfectly distinguish the pieces individually. I suggest a bit more use of ramps to blend in flat to sloped areas, the hills are also budget heavy and in my experience are harder on the game engine. Smoothing out the terrain would likely make for a better driving experience with the warthogs as well, I found myself bumping and twisting a lot.

    Yes, the map for sure not final. Theres a bunch of areas that need smoothing out. I never really finish maps, no map can be "finished" in my eyes. I always try to continue to tweak and update maps. Terrain is something I am looking at.

    The wall separating the backdrop and the map and the use of invisible blockers is very misleading, from the sniper stronghold, being unable to fall back feels unrealistic. I would suggest in your rework of the backdrop, that you make the edge more of an obvious boundary with higher walls, or a cliff of some sort. Make use of timed kill boundaries and hard kill boundaries in this case.

    Maybe like a tall fence or something? I think I could make that work.

    The sloped orange roof building hosting the grenade launcher is easy to to get up on and escape the map. Again, I would make better use of timed and hard kill boundaries.

    I threw on invisible barriers/boundaries/spawns the day before I packed up my Xbox lol. Very sloppy, but I just wanted to post it and get some feedback on other things. I'll put them down for reals when I decide if I'm moving it to Tidal or not.

    The sniper building feels hard to access, I would recommend ways to get up making that area more accessible. I would connect the building with the upper bridge to the sniper. That bridge could hit stairs that connect with your stronghold.

    Understandable. Will look into this.

    The red spawn is very open and the blue spawn is protected and enclosed. I suggest making red area a cave or adding terrain changes/cover. You could also move red spawn behind the tall building.

    Yeah. I gave em' a bunker lol. Cave sounds cool though.

    I also suggest somewhat of a safe route from your team spawns to avoid camping during CTF. Use spawn volumes for CTF and assault.

    Yeah it's honestly the reason I didn't release it with CTF in the map posts because I thought it would play shitty haha. But a safe route sounds good. I'll have to look into it and try to come up with something lol.

    You are an excellent forger and I love your content. Please take this feedback with a grain of salt as I have not played a game on it. This is meant to challenge you and make this an enjoyable and balanced experience.

    Thank you so much again for all of this awesome feedback. This is exactly what I wanted man. Kudos bro.

    Honestly, the visual stuff comes easy to me, the gameplay stuff is what I have a lot of trouble with sometimes, so its great to see it all in writing. I'm going to forge tomorrow and see if I can incorporate your suggestions. :yes:
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 23, 2017 ---
    Dang Dugout is a sick name! If the map stays desert themed I will definitely use this.

    And thats sick! Any other FF maps you thinking of doing?
    Xandrith likes this.
  13. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cool man, feel free to invite if u want some gameplay help. BTB is my thing.
    WeedCough likes this.

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