
4v4 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. h0twing3
    Download from Gamertags: h0twing3 xD or RumpleIVskn

    Latest Filename: Suburbs v1.24.16.1 also Known as SB1.24.16.1
    (Note: Use the one on my bookmarks)

    I'm skeptical when it comes to forge, Because I think no one won't even notice our map we worked hard on. So I'm giving everyone a map that is playable and may require updates.

    Description: A street Suburb with an underground sewer system, Hotel, a Long alley, and street leading to a vehicle museum at the other end of the road a tunnel with lights appearing

    Please report your issues to me via XBL PM or Post here

    v1.24.16.1 Fixes:
    - fixed better ways into Blue base and more.
    - More route options per building.
    Added another unground route to the Back alley
    - Overall Map routing
    - x4 BR's Weapons, x1 Camo , x1 Damage Powerups, x2 Hydra Launchers per side. Top building Mid x1 SPNkr Rockets.

    - Lightbake changes on grayed out or black placed items

    - Separated respawn locations.

    I'm confident with this version. For now To be safe use Red vs Blue teams
    I'm giving you guys something to play.

    Feedback still Helpful

    Download from Gamertags: h0twing3 xD or RumpleIVskn

    Latest Filename: Suburbs v1.24.16.1 also Known as SB1.24.16.1
    (Note: Use the one on my bookmarks)
    Thank You
    leegeorgeton likes this.


  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It looks really interesting, particularly from the player perspective along the street, however, from the screenshots, it appears players move from one end of the map to the other exposed along the street. It also appears you want the buildings to look like separate houses/buildings along the street, but if you don't provide some semi-continuous path toward the backs of the buildings, perhaps a mix of high and low, no one will have to guess which way the enemy will come from. I worry, as it is, players would find it boring just fighting on the street. From the bird's eye view of the entire map, it looks like you have a lot of budget left to add detail and interiors to some of the buildings to provide alternate and interesting routes across the map. That's where I'd start.

    You might even think of adding a quasi-sewer network below, not one that allows you to bypass the streets entirely, but just something to add a few optional routes.
    a Chunk and h0twing3 like this.
  2. h0twing3

    h0twing3 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    h0twing3 updated Suburbs with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. h0twing3

    h0twing3 Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    h0twing3 updated Suburbs with a new update entry:

    Suburbs v1.24.16.1

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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