Hi all, this is my sole map for the Throwdown Contest, Stonebound. It's also my first map I am posting for Halo 5! I am not the best at making core maps, but I am really proud of this one. I put many many hours into it to get it how I wanted it to look, and I hope others enjoy it as well.
When I first set off to build Stonebound my goal was to make a fairly vertical asymmetrical map with a simple theme. Although not a floating asym., Stonebound was inspired hugely by Guardian and Damnation, as well as other forge creations I have seen.
Teams will be fighting over an Active Camo, as well as a Sniper Rifle. The Camo spawns directly above the Sniper, so the spawn times are offset (camo at 120s, sniper at 180). Most of the fighting will be taking place in this central area, but I have made the top area quite open so that you cannot simply lock it down with great ease. In fact most of the map is open. I hate short range, room based maps. They're not fun in my opinion. Anyway, add me on XBL (cluckinho10) and give it a shot! Thanks.