Stellar Castle

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Omnificence
    At First Impressions between the two teams different players will notice and have different opinions on the balance of the sides. But after all the weapon, Vehicles, cover, and routes are discovered and taken acount of this map seems to balance out. With the testing I've experienced.

    Here are some of them up front. But not all the factors. They have to be experienced.

    There are 5 ways into the castle. Counting each type of one even if there's more than one instance of it. And only one of them can be closed off with a switch. The jaw bridge.

    But there are three ways to get up the tower. Which is less but it has less defensive advantages.

    Wizard side has 2 wraiths. Which is better than the 1 Mantis the castle gets. But the wraiths can be locked out of the castle leaving them to only bombard it.

    The castle has several Hammers and swords but the wizard tower has scattershots.

    The biggest balancer is as long as you keep it on Slayer and not objective respawns place people on either side.

    ---As with most of my slayer maps this map is meant to be a break away from the standard balance and rigid constraints of Arena playlist competitive standard gameplay Maps. It's meant to feel and play like a real place in its own reality. And to force changes in tactics. Please keep that in mind with your comments to save us both time.---


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