I have planned this map lang ago and it was realised out of a dream of mine. This dream was so intense and full of detail, that I drafted it right after I woke up the other day. The map turned out even better the I've imagened it within my dream.
The design is willfully choosen, so that the complete picture of the map has smooth and nice lines all the time you play. The design has no origin, it just should look like modern architecture. The weaponlayout as well as the spawnsystem is pretty much prefect for the map, thanks to the sufficient tests that were made.
I have constrictive build the map since the forge-update release. This is the first map that was build with this design and I gave that kind of design a name. I call it "Redux".
For the beginning, I will construct 3 maps with this unique design. The first is called "STATTIC", the second one will be "SPLASHES" it is a well known former AGL MAP. And last but not least the map "IGNITION", which has an extraordinary design where I hope get it build like I drafted it.
Overall I hope you will have fun with the map and furthermore give me feedback with this creation.
And my Gamertag on XBL is not Homy, it is "SE7ENGINE"