The show must go on! The crowd is pretty upset and it's up to the performers to keep their careers alive.
-Sniper Rifle ammo capacity decreased by 1 mag/clip
-SMG ammo capacity increased by 1 mag/clip
-Gauss Turret and Saw spawn points have swapped places
-SPNKr Rocket Launcher now spawns within the last 30 seconds on top of the water fountain
-I think I added more assault rifle ammo somewhere, but to be honest, I don't remember.
-Ramp in prop room converted to staircase
-Added more seats to left side of audience
-More invisible blockers to decrease the chances of someone exiting the map
-Slightly improved lighting across multiple areas of the map
-Easter egg added
End of patch notes...
I hope you guys enjoy the map. I made the mistake of fixing the map on the same file the original was on, so a few of you may have a version with a disco ball (original easter egg) or other things that seem out of place. I apologize for that and I do not plan on making that mistake again. Thank you all so much and please provide me with as much feedback as you guys can.
Love, Jullie