
4v4 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. Ryley
    Sphys is my first attempt at a Covenant themed map and it relies on a simplistic circular layout. I wanted a more classic feel to the map so I pulled inspiration from halo's covenant maps midship and zealot. The bases are enclosed without a direct sight line toward the center of the map but instead uses an open window ledge at a top corner. This window looks out among most of the map and is a main defending point. Moving towards the center of the map is a curved slope that leads up to top mid and each base window. The curved slope is a large dividing wall that also offers cover at the bottom floors. Behind the base windows are a main horse shoe route that leads you to active camo and top mid. Opposite of the open window is a corner hut with an upper and lower level. My map's main problem is that it suffers from the inevitable frame rate issues. Hope you enjoy!
    Nano, Yekkou, xXBarthXx and 13 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. i was very impressed with the map as a whole the layout had a lot of cool sneaky's and ledges and i nice flow while feeling like a covie map should. now the aesthetics! they where great you've dome so much with so little an absolutely great job. loved it


  1. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's nice to see a solid effort put into the Covenant theme. This is really ambitious and the geometry is insane, but I really wish the lighting/color schemes were more photorealistic.

    I went on it with Box and Salty and we applied some


    I changed the skybox to Exosphere because it has darker shadows than the Halo Ring skybox, and then I turned all of your forerunner space cadet floors (the ones that look kinda green) to the covenant texture at 0 metallic, and turned all of their light bake off. I also dimmed the brightness and falloff ratio on all of your lights. You should give it a shot and see if you like that direction. I think it gives the map a very cool vibe and enhances the geometry.
    #2 Goat, Aug 28, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2017
    Ryley, CANADIAN ECHO, fame28 and 3 others like this.
  2. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    Honestly thought this was a race map from a glance, looks really cool mate. :)
    Ryley likes this.
  3. Box Knows

    Box Knows Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I have a version saved @Ryley if you want to check out what goat did. I agree though the geometry is insane and fits the theme very well. Really dig the map, I think you should look into lighting a bit more and changing the floor colors/textures. Well done Ive been wanting to see a good covie map for a while
    Ryley, Goat and Xandrith like this.
  4. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
    Senior Member

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    This map has a few potential design problems based on the assumption that this is supposed to play similar to Midship or Zealot. First: cross-mapping is almost not a thing, which really makes CTF just a "pull from base=capture" kind of map, which makes it near impossible to contest the flag if it has passed the midpoint of the map. Second: how segmentation is implemented might make areas interact more like separate rooms that simply take peaks at eachother rather than truly contestable positions. Third: almost nowhere on the map seems too exposed to be risky. If this is a conscious decision, then I disagree with it. This potential problem is mainly due to the first one that I've mentioned.

    p.s. I haven't played the map in a 4v4 lobby, so these problems may not be as significant of a problem as I think they are, but I'm confident in my observations.
  5. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yea I agree. I didn't want to mention geometry because a lot of the walls are structurally integrated into the map, but I do wish there were more sightlines and less walls to open up the combat.

    I think there is some really good potential in here. Will have to play it to see what all i could use.
    fame28 and Box Knows like this.
  6. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  7. Box Knows

    Box Knows Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Marry me
    Ryley and N3gat1veZer0 like this.
  8. Ryley

    Ryley Legendary
    Forge Critic

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    I'm never happy with my lighting. Its one of the things I hate the most while forging. As for the floor colors I thought it might be too dark if I did the classic black but your right it doesn't look as convincing. I would like to see a saved version by you of how you changed it.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 11, 2017 ---
    I tried finding your saved file but couldn't.
    Box Knows likes this.
  9. Ryley

    Ryley Legendary
    Forge Critic

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    I haven't play my map with 4v4s but only 1v1s and it seemed decent. Me saying that it was inspired by Midship and Zealot I meant the art style not as mush gameplay. As for layout it follows a similar layout with distinct opposing bases, a middle structure and circling routes between the bases.
  10. Box Knows

    Box Knows Legendary
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    Hopefully goat saved it because I deleted halo 5 and forgot to make it visible

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