Here's something I've been working on for a long time. It started as a dogfighting map, but over time it's evolved into something quite different...
A massive battle ship floats in dead space, it's hyperdrive damaged beyond repair. Two UNSC carriers surround it, and scramble all fighters. Perpare for an epic space battle plucked straight from your childhood dreams, except there's a catch...You can fly.
The custom game modes I've built with the map allow Spartans to jump and fly in zero gravity with infinite boosters, and land on ships with the ground pound and over ability. Starting weapons include Hydras and Lightrifles, to allow a Spartan to take on a Banshee or a Phaeton head on. Power weapons and objectives are stationed on asteroids throughout the level, on the center frigate and on the Red / Blue motherships.
The ships have artificial gravity built into them (as well as Scorpion cannons \m/ ) so you can fight both on foot and in the air when trying to secure objectives. A net of teleporters covers the bottom of the level and drop you off at one of two lifeboat ships on the edge of the map, returning you to combat if you miss a ground pound.
It's epic and a very different experience from core Halo 5 gameplay. I've included zero gravity variants for most of the familiar gametypes, with a few tweaks to make them play better on this map. They are listed in my fileshare like so:
Squadrons (Slayer)
Ambush (Assault)
Boarding Party (CTF)
Spaceholds (Strongholds)
Spacewalk (Oddball)
Squadrons (Slayer) is the best starting point for learning how to navigate the environment with your thrusters and ground pound, but I highly recommend digging deeper into the custom modes and trying some of the objective gametypes. Ambush (Assault) is pretty interesting with zero gravity.
The term 'mini game' hardly does it justice...I intend this map to be the first in a series of maps using the custom gametypes I've built. I hope you enjoy it!
Here's a basic tour through the level: