
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Funky Flapsak
    Download from GT: Funky Flapsak

    Edit: Made some aesthetic changes. Removed bottom mid floor, replaced it with a bridge, moved OS to it and placed the mid stronghold on it as well.

    This is my second foray into Forge. I started off imaging a symmetrical map that had a high point and low point at the 50 yard line, and that's eventually what it became. The map is meant for 2v2 Slayer, Strongholds or CTF, but can also be played 1v1, 3v3, or 4v4.

    Every gametype except for Strongholds has the same weapon and power up placement.

    Slayer/CTF Weapons and powerups:

    Sniper 1x
    Incineration Cannon 1x
    Overshield 1x
    Scattershot, 1x
    SMG 2x
    H5 BR 2x
    Light Rifle 1x
    Hydra 1x
    Storm Rifle 2x

    On Strongholds:
    Rockets is in place of Sniper 1x
    Sniper is in place of Incineration Canon 1x
    Camo is in place of Overshield 1x

    I could use help with testing. Please let me know and provide constructive feedback if you can.


  1. I3lackshirts

    I3lackshirts Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Me and a buddy of mine made a map too and we need testers. Maybe next time your on we can test both of our maps.
    Funky Flapsak likes this.
  2. Funky Flapsak

    Funky Flapsak Legendary

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    Funky Flapsak updated Solstice with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 11, 2016 ---
    Yes, I'm down Garet Bo

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