You are spaceships. Comparable to the size of the planets around you.
The game type for this map is spaceships and it was inspired by Star Trek. The binary rifle reminds me of phasers and the hydra reminds me of photon torpedoes. So those are the starting weapons. Move fast and boost far. But use it wisely because boost recharges slowly. The weapon pads look sort of like space ships themselves so I place them around with power ups on them. In the power-ups can be seen as temporary ship upgrades. I also placed guns around the map without weapon pad half points. To look like ships of their own. Shields take a long delay before charge but that's too upset people running around so fast and trying to get cover on the other side of the map. When the shield's finally do fill back up they fill quick at least.
This map and game type has a new favorite among my friends who played it. Enjoy.