Solace 2.0

8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. LegitimateTB
    Hello everyone! I am proud to re-introduce you all to Solace! Except this time, its different!! Solace is an 8v8 BTB slayer map, with Strongholds and flag in the works for the near future! (Still, there are literally no guides for setting these up haha)

    A description of the map: Solace is a continuation map from my last map Ethereal, where the fight has now pushed deeper into Ethereal's city and is now on the outskirts of the highrises and the city center. I started work on this map immediately after Ethereal 1.0 was release, as I had a strong picture of what i was going to forge next. I have many draw ups on paper of what the map was going to look like. This map has a very Halo 2 and ODST vibe to it, which is very intentional as I forged this map with the soundtracks for them games playing in the background, which gave me a very strong feel and mindset for what the theme and feeling of the map would be. Solace isnt too big, but it feels big, which is good for a city map.

    The main power vehicles on the map are now a corp scorpion on the roundabout (crossroads) area, and a corp mantis located in the car park (Station) are. Now, the scorpion and mantis are closer to red spawn, as well as Red having a railgun over blue having a SPnKr, with a SAW in the middle of the map. I wanted Red team to have a slight advantage at start, to suit the theme of the Red's being the defenders of the city. However, I didn't give them an unfair advantage. At match start, a shield will spawn in front of the scorpion and mantis which will last a minute into the match before despawning. This gives both teams a chance to lock down certain area's, get a feel for the map and, most importantly, make the game fair. To accompany this, each team has an urban rocket hog located nearby the initial spawns to use as a main line of offense. Red's is located bottom station and blue's is located in the armory area on the highway to the right of their initial spawns. Also there are 2 tunnels with are crossing through the map, one has an overshield (Left) and another has a cameo (Middle). Blue's can get to the overshield a bit faster than the camo, and the Red's can get to the camo fast than the overshield.

    -All Issues with the map prior to Version 2.0 have been resolved! Any new problems that surface will be updated in the maps description when found and solved!

    -Playing the map in custom games for some reason moves some of the objects from their positions (Very slightly, like 5 degrees at most on a rotation). This isnt a problem for gameplay, and is completely on 343's end. Ive asked Tom French for assistance on the matter. Its no biggie, just a detailing flaw that's barely noticeable!

    Full List of changes for 2.0:
    -Updated with new blocks and features
    -New sounds, gameplay elements, effects, ect. Added
    -Reqs (Such as Sword Ghost and Corp Scorpion) and new weapons (Such as H2 Beam and H2 Plasma) have been added
    -New colours and fog effects to make longer sightlines a bit harder to see
    -Added a ton of new detailing to buildings and map in general, can provide new movement and cover strategies
    -All Loadout weapons have different modifications to them now (E.G. AR has Stabilization jets, BR has Kinetic Bolts, etc.)
    -No Req weapon variants have been added
    -Other gamemodes are still in development due to errors in setting them up
    -A small Easter Egg has been added, find it and you shall be given an 'Aerial Advantage' (Its pretty hard to do though xD)
    -Also adjusted blocks, movement pathways, spawns, and other map items in general

    Ive waited for a while to update this map to version 2.0. In fact, I didnt think I would. But when all the new features, especially reqs and budget increase where implemented, i had to go for it!! Please download and give me feedback as its always helpful and I appreciate every single comment, positive or negative. Thanks again everybody, and enjoy Solace 2.0!

Recent Reviews

  1. Map just feel a bit plain why don't just add some accent pieces it would go great.


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