8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Leroy Jenklns
    Gamertag: Leroy Jahnkens
    The map is in my bookmarks titled "Snow Snare 1.3"

    I'd also like to thank my friend Se7enThunders for the always wise input, along with the help he provided while building the map.

    With this remake I wanted to make sure I stayed true to the layout and feel of the classic Sand Trap (but with a snowy twist), while also scaling up in the necessary places to accommodate Halo 5's new mechanics.

    In terms of vehicles: there are still two Warthogs for each base, and I have a Gungoose and a Ghost where the Mongoose and Chopper used to spawn. Banshee is right where you remember it.
    For weapons: A Sword replaces the Gravity Hammer, and Hydras along with detached missile turrets replace the missile pods. I also added a Plasma Caster next to the Banshee spawn, and a SAW on each side of the map. The Sniper, Rockets and Spartan Lasers are where they used to be.
    It should also be noted that you are able to ground pound from Red Base (big base) into the hallway in the middle structure where Sniper spawns. Consequently, the Sniper has been moved slightly to make sure the time needed to reach it is equal from each team's initial spawn.

    I hope you enjoy map!

Recent Reviews

  1. This is one of the coolest remakes I've ever seen. Not only have I wanted a snowified remake of Sandtrap, but I've wanted to see one run smoothly. This one does. Great job.
  2. We haven't tested extensively yet, but in a few 4v4 playtests, everything appears to be running smoothly. Leroy put in a lot of work on this! Show him some love!


  1. Se7enThunders

    Se7enThunders Legendary

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    THIS MAP IS NOT STOLEN. IT IS NOT COPIED. Leroy Jahnkens started forging this map the minute forge was released in December. He was about half way through when it became known the WyvernZu was working on one. Instead of quitting, he finished it. Even the casual observer will see stark differences between the two maps. Download it and see for yourself. I dare say Leroy's version is better. You decide.

    Edit: Thanks to WyvernZu for going out of your way to make up for the accusations. There's no hard feelings. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. GREAT job on the 1:1 version.
    #2 Se7enThunders, Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
    Something CEsar and Buddy Jumps like this.
  2. WyvernZu

    WyvernZu Forge Critic
    Forge Critic

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    Uhh, wait what. Are you serious? You just copied my map...

    *Edit* I took a closer look at it and I understand now that this map is fundamentally different. I'm really sorry for jumping the gun on this one. :(
    #3 WyvernZu, Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  3. Se7enThunders

    Se7enThunders Legendary

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    Now before everyone gets their pants in a wad, let me explain a few things. No this map is not stolen, yes it is very similar to yours. Leroy had been planning on building this map for ages and once we started work on it, we saw a few videos on YouTube saying you were working on one. We were pretty sad since a well known forger was going to likely overshadow our work, but we pressed on anyway. Sandtrap remakes are bound to look similar, but you can't just go accusing everyone who makes another remake for copying yours. Yours looks great. So does Leroy's. You'll find on close examination they are quite different.
    #4 Se7enThunders, Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  4. Unsorted Gaming

    Unsorted Gaming Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Im sorry, It must been the timing since both maps was the same time. haha and both looked, well very alike. :)
    Leroy Jenklns and Se7enThunders like this.
  5. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    My initial reaction was that this was stolen.:mad:

    Then I realized it was on a completely different canvas. Glacier is clearly in the background, whereas Wyvern's was on Parallax.o_O

    With this said, this is a damn good remake. The fact that people thought you copied a 1:1 existing remake says something; nice work man. I do like the change in environment, suits the map nicely in my opinion.:)
    Leroy Jenklns and Se7enThunders like this.
  6. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I'm glad this got sorted out. I'm going to hide some of the posts since they are clearly unfounded and untrue accusations.

    We take the stealing of maps very seriously around here. I know that everyone had good intentions - trying to protect the work of a fellow forger. I also think it's very important that we as a community avoid throwing out accusations without at the very least downloading the map in question and providing some evidence that it's actually stolen.

    Sorry your thread has been derailed. Hopefully the conversation from this point forward can focus on THIS map, which looks quite good. ;)
  7. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love the idea of this map being snowy. Snow looks so good for a map. I'll be checking this out sometime when I'm home.

    EDIT: Absolutely amazing! I don't think I have a single bad thing to say. This map is faithful to the original and is absolutely beautiful.
    #8 FTG Insanity, Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2016
    Leroy Jenklns likes this.
  8. Leroy Jenklns

    Leroy Jenklns Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off, I just want to say there are no hard feelings. And I'd like to thank you for looking a little deeper into the map. After checking out your remake, I'll be the first to admit that there are indeed some striking similarities. I believe that's bound to happen when remaking the same map.
    I also totally understand your concerns about map stealing. It's unfortunate that map theft has become a problem.

    Thanks for cleaning up the thread. I didn't see the posts, but I'm glad this seems to have been resolved. And I'm glad you liked the map!

    Also, shout out to my man Se7enThunders, once again, for hopping on to help resolve the issue.
    Se7enThunders and WyvernZu like this.
  9. CommanderColson

    CommanderColson Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've always said it would be a smart idea to bring back Sandtrap with black structures and snowy terrain. It is a bit of a shame the release dates of the two got so intertwined but good work non the less!
  10. jannlee48504

    jannlee48504 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    This is much better than wyvernzu version
  11. PainInTheMech

    PainInTheMech Legendary

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    Map looks great! Who's gamer tag do I have to add to download?
  12. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    It's listed in the Map Description.
    GT = Leroy Jahnkens
  13. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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    I think I fancy it a tad more than WyvernZu's remake...
    #14 PolyG, Feb 27, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016

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