
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Overdoziz
    Smokestack is an asymmetrical 2v2 Slayer map. For the layout of this map I took inspiration from Quake's Aerowalk multiplayer map. For aesthetics I looked a lot at the Outpost 23 map for the upcoming Unreal Tournament game.

    With Smokestack I tried to create a 2v2 map that is mostly centered around a main atrium area without a big focus on a room-based layout. Surrounding this central area are several catwalks at different height levels that will hopefully create some interesting vertical gameplay.

    On the bottom middle area of the map is an Overshield Power-up that spawns every 120 seconds. Along with that there's a 180 second Railgun spawn at the bottom of the main gravity lift. These serve to give players that spawn at the bottom of the map an opportunity to retake the power positions at the top of the map.

    If you want to check out the map just add me as friend on Xbox Live (gamertag: Overdoz1z), go to my fileshare, and bookmark the map 'Smokestack 1.2'.

Recent Reviews

  1. Map has an interesting layout and cool theme though it still suffers from a couple major shortcomings. First off, the map is a little bit too large for a 2vs2. Some areas could use some scaling down. Such as bottom-mid and the back hall ways. Vertically your map is fine, and you have my respect for taking a chance with so much verticality in your map. Though because you have so much vertical space you do not need as much horizontal space, so I would try to shrink down some of your other spaces if you want this map to run 2vs2 at a reasonable pace.

    Secondly, the map is very disorienting. Yes it is an asymmetrical map, though that doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to easily distinguish one area from another. There is to much orange and white. Yes it ties the map together map together aesthetically, but you need to make sure that areas can be easily differentiated from visually. Finding the right balance between tying the area's together while at the same time differentiating them can be hard but it is a must. The fact is currently your map is very confusing for the player to orientate themselves on because of this problem. This leads to very frustrating experiences for players who are trying to orientate themselves to the map.

    There was also some spawning issues, such as repeatedly spawning in that long hallway, though once you scale down the map I feel this issue would be resolved.

    I don't think the map is bad, it just needs some more work. This map has a lot of potential, and you still have a day and a half before the deadline. You can still sweat it out and make changes and let this map reach its full potential. Good luck!


  1. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I probably shouldn't Rate this yet because I didnt play this with the recommended number of players, but I will say that this map is probably a bit large for 2's because it played a 7 v 7 fairly chaotically but was a ton of fun. I personally did not find the map too disorienting but i did find it a bit difficult to know how to call out certain places, this is probably because i've only played it once. after about a minute of running around I was able to grasp the directions I needed to know to basically navigate the map.

    I would change how OS spawns due to the fact that while it is at 30 seconds before spawn it appears to be on the pad. Additionally i would try to make it a bit more obvious that you can not jump to the pelican area, because several people thought they could make it and spent a little bit failing.

    the pit inside could stand to be lower it was a bit disorienting having a death pit so close to the surface when it is a pit.

    Again the only reason I havent rated this is because i didnt play it how it to be intended. We pushed the map to its limit with the party size and everyone still seemed to have a lot of fun. If i did rate this I would say that the map would receive a ~4.
  2. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not entirely sure what version you played, but the newest version should be significantly smaller which will helpfully make it fit the 2v2 playstyle better.

    The OS thing is pretty bothersome, but I like the weapon pad system so I don't see myself changing that. Hopefully 343 will improve clarity on that front.

    I'll definitely look into the pelican and pit areas to make them more clear, though. Don't want people accidentally killing themselves of course.

    Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it.
  3. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Overdoziz updated Smokestack with a new update entry:

    Final 2v2 contest submission

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I Believe it was SS1.1 i could be wrong, and it may just be the fact that we had 14 people on the map that made it seem large.

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