Gamertag: FatAussieFatB0y
(The 0 is a number and not a letter)
Map Name: Simon Say's
Gamemode: Simon Say's (Slayer FFA)
Description of the Map:
Simon Say’s is a fairly straight forward Minigame that uses a simple but effective game style. All players spawn on a coloured Dance Floor, a TV positioned to the front of the Dance Floor shows what colour the Simon (random generator) has chosen, Players must try to survive for 2 minutes or be the last person standing.
(A more complete description of every part of the map will be explained below along with pictures of the map).
Pictures of the Map:
An image of the screen once Simon has activated a colour.
(This is the only indicator of what colour Simon has chosen)
What the default screen looks like when Simon is yet to choose a colour.
What happens when a colour is chosen and 1 second passes.
(This is subject to change depending on the colour Simon chooses)
This overview shows off an obstacle that the players will be faced with when the game reaches 1:00.
(Just in-case you missed it, the obstacle is the black coloured blocks. That will encourage players to remember the locations of certain block colours)
The Gravity Hammer spawn location, useful for keeping the peace or causing Havoc.
When a Player Dies they are sent backstage to hang with the Sangheili DJ's.
Pocket in the Wall where players can stand if they can't reach the chosen colour.
Anyways guys, that's all I have currently but this is bound to change with future updates.
And that’s about it.
The Minigame is fairly simple but is a lot of fun with a group of friends.
Hope you all Enjoy!
<3 FatAussieFatBoy