1. Spring Cleaning 2.0

    So literally after making my last update post, I logged back into forge and made all the changes I posted that I wanted to make.

    Changes are as follows. North end of campus (red) sees the forest invisible blockers walls removed and replaced with a cliff. Also east and west corners get reworked boundary buildings with elevation changes and extra cover and mobility. North (red) sees the sniper rifle removed but a rocket launcher replacing it.

    Centre fountain area grass removed and...
  2. Spring cleaning

    Just added some tweaks to the map for those who have it or have followed it.

    I've removed the weapon pads from the map but left the weapons and power ups in the same place as if the pad were there. I found them distracting and "messy".

    Added a few more land mass features to the edge of the roadways to add more texture, cover and vantage points of engagement. This is mostly on the blue side at the moment.

    Made some tweaks to the piece count and where ever I could reduce the pieces...
  3. Summer is over.

    Summer is behind us and school is back in, not for me but it was a great reminder to tweak some things on my Campus map.
    Played with a group last night and did some play testing. I added and tweaked some spawns. Added another grav lift on the East side of campus and substituted a DMR for an SMG for closer fighting.
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