1. Spring cleaning

    Just added some tweaks to the map for those who have it or have followed it.

    I've removed the weapon pads from the map but left the weapons and power ups in the same place as if the pad were there. I found them distracting and "messy".

    Added a few more land mass features to the edge of the roadways to add more texture, cover and vantage points of engagement. This is mostly on the blue side at the moment.

    Made some tweaks to the piece count and where ever I could reduce the pieces I have. I was having some frame drop issues apparently, so I'm doing what I can do reduce that and I think it's much better now. Changed some of the lighting so it's not super overkill. (still learning). I think the biggest issue from frame drop wasn't the fountain in the middle, but the two grass pieces just near it. I'll try removing that soon to see if that helps.

    I'm currently editing and experimenting on a duplicate of the map trying to make the map edges look more realistic and flow without the need of blockers but struggling. In my files there will be maps with the title SFU... something. I think one is blank canvas and the other spring edit if you want to see what I've tried so far.

    It plays well still, especially with a bigger group. Just remember the only vehicles that move are "urban" as per the setting and that face to the centre of the map.

    Have fun.
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