

Map Description

  1. What's A Scope?

    Hey, everyone, thanks for checking out my map Shutdown. My Gamertage is Whats A Scope, and this map can be found in my bookmarks. Enjoy.

    About the Map

    Shutdown began as one my first Halo 5 forge projects and will be entered into the 2v2 Throwdown Contest. The map clearly draws inspiration from the previous Halo maps, Lockout and Guardian. The map utilizes the cavern space of Glacier for an area with natural death zones. Shutdown aims to have solid, circular flow with primary and secondary power positions. Lifts and jumps add more options for movement alongside the ramps and pathways.

    The geometry of Shutdown consists of four areas. The primary power position can be found in one area in the form of a three level tower with an open top floor. This area is opposed by a more closed in two level area which can be held as a secondary power position. Two side areas exist. Each of these areas has a lift that sends players to either the second level of the primary power position or to the top level of the secondary power position. The side areas also offer routes to the opposing areas. A central platform acts as an open route connecting all four areas.

    The map was geared toward 1v1 and 2v2 Slayer. However, the map has been set up for Strongholds (a single stronghold on the central platform), neutral flag, and assault.

    Youtube Walkthrough Coming Soon

    Thank again!


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