Shipwreck on Skull Isle


Map Description

  1. Lost Pinecone
    A Squid Loaf and DEATH WEAPONxx present:

    Shipwrecked on Skull Isle


    Download Link


    A fun, user-friendly puzzle map that will appeal to newcomers and seasoned sleuths alike. Gather supplies for survival and uncover secrets in this grand adventure for 1-3 players. Will you survive long enough to be rescued? Or end up as just another lost soul, claimed by Skull Isle.



    Keep an eye out for these yellow squares that indicate where you can interact with an object(s):


    Important Note: You must crouch and look down to interact with yellow squares on the ground. This is due to the fact that switches have a small range of interaction that cannot be adjusted.

    Be sure to check your campsite periodically to see if you've gathered enough supplies to improve your homestead:


    Or to see what tasks remain on your checklist.

    Map Info:

    Name: Shipwreck on Skull Isle

    Gamertags: A Squid Loaf, DEATH WEAPONxx

    Players: 1-3 (Possible to play with more but not recommended)

    Gametype: Slayer with unlimited time and fast respawns.

    (You can use my gametype Puzzle Mode (Slayer) if you don't feel like making your own)

    Download Link: Here


    Thanks to DEATH WEAPONxx for being an amazing Coforger, and to Unsorted Guy for a great video, as well as all the testers (too many to list but you know who you are) who helped make the map better.

    Need help?

    Check out the guide posted in the comments for hints or full explanations.

Recent Reviews

  1. Ok, I know I'm late to the game on this one, but this is a great search map with some minor parkour challenges. Very relaxed map (except 1 part) with some interesting twists and humor. Flows well too.
  2. This is another one of my favorites, because again I liked having the incentive to escape the island. I'm also a big fan of your concept of building the hut getting all the items. Crazy creativity man.
  3. M4t7theNinja M4t7theNinja
    This is the best map I've played so far on Halo 5, it works so well together from start to finish and each section leads onto the next! Great Map Squid!
  4. LittleBoots LittleBoots
    Excellent map, great moment.


  1. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Find 2 small logs and return to the campsite.

    Search both sets of bushes (sideways trees) for a small log in each, then return to the campsite and interact with the yellow square near the rock circle.


    Find 2 piles of big logs and return to the campsite.

    The 1st set of logs are behind a hill in the middle of the main island, be sure to interact with the yellow square to pick them up. The 2nd set are located inside the cave directly beneath the skull. Once you have both set of logs return to the campsite and interact with the yellow square on the rock wall to the left of the checklist.

    Food x3:

    Food 1: Trap the pig. Food 2: Find an egg. Food 3: Kill the narwhal.

    Look for a cave near the wrecked ship (not the one where you spawn at the beginning) and retrieve a cage from it. Place the cage by interacting with the rock near where the pig stops. Once the cage is placed, go back and call the pig again. Be sure to interact with the yellow square near the trapped pig to retrieve it.

    Climb the mountain above the cave where you call the pig from and follow the path around the back which will lead you to the top of the mountain where a nest and large egg are located. Be sure to interact with the yellow square to pick up the egg.

    On the island with lava (accessed by ground-pounding on the target near the tree), collect the stick and piece of metal by interacting with the yellow square near them, they are located near the shore where the barrels are. Then interact with the yellow square near the narwhal to stab it with the spear you made from the parts.


    Find your friend and save him from the dark.

    Search for a small cave near the driftwood located on the side of the main island facing the island with lava. If you reach the machine sticking out of some rocks you've gone to far, head back towards the cave where you call the pig. In the cave, located a little below the rocky coastline, you'll find your friend Wilson. Be sure to interact with the yellow square on the ground to save him from the dark.


    Find the two skull switches.

    Look in the lava pit for a switch with a skull behind it and activate it. The other switch is in a cave at the back of Skull Mountain, to reach it you jump to the first rock platform then shoot the red barrel underneath where you enter the cave. Jump onto the barrel then onto the piece of land, from there jump onto the sea slug and then onto the second rock platform.

    Retrieve the spindle of rope from atop the "stonehenge" island (by interacting with yellow square) and take it to the top of the mountain closest to the icebergs. Interact with the yellow square near the wooden post to attach the rope to it and tightrope walk down to the iceberg. In the middle of the largest iceberg, a large metal handle is leaning against the ledge, interact with the yellow square to pick it up.

    Take the metal handle to the hatch that was uncovered by activating the 2 skull switches. Place the handle by interacting with the side of the device on the side, then interact with the handle itself to open the hatch. Inside the hatch you'll find a console with a big red button, press it and you'll send out an S.O.S.

    Finishing Up:

    Once you have all 5 check marks, go to the helipad.

    No really, go to the helipad, there's a terminal that appears at the front which you can interact with.

    Easter Eggs:

    Find the starfish. Cannot interact with, just hidden very well.

    Once you reach the "win" sign, look for a mancannon.
  2. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  3. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  4. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Honestly this was incredibly creative! Love the unique scavenger hunt gametype. The sea monster part was fricken awesome. Seriously laughed out loud when the ship capsized. Awesome job. Not really a fan of so much open space as it took a while to get anywhere, but then again it certainly had the castaway feel of openness. Also couldn't catch that dang pig or figure out what to do with him. Cool map though. Love it.
  5. Lost Pinecone

    Lost Pinecone Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  6. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I found the starfish! Lol, this map was awesome when i first played it. Now i show people every chance i get so i can watch them experience it. So much fun adventuring around and finding stuff. Only wish there was a hog or goose as a sude unlock

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