

Map Description

  1. KeeLoker
    Map: Shipment
    Gametype: Disturbed

    "Working at an ocean side shipping yard, you and some fellow workers discover underground caves that sprawl all under the shipping yard. Little did you know what was lurking below…"

    Shipment is a linear style infection map based around an infested shipping yard along the shores of an ocean. You and your group must escape the shipping yard and reach the tunnel past the parking garage and seal away a threat no man should ever face.

    What separates this linear style infection map from others is that there are several hidden secrets that can benefit both the humans and the infected or "Disturbed". They can range from hidden power weapons to activating certain objects. It's up to you to discover them as you traverse through Shipment. (Or you can scroll down until you reach the spoiler section revealing all secret weapons and interactive events)


    - Teamwork and communication is key to survive as a human. Holdout areas have been strategically made so that no holdout is too easy to defend so make sure humans are equally covering entrances from the Disturbed to ensure success
    - Utilizing weapon's advantages and avoiding their disadvantages is super important on this map. If you don't think a weapon is all that useful right now, save it for a time when it will be useful.
    - Assume the Disturbed can come from any direction. They can jump pretty high.
    - There are numerous hidden weapons scattered all across the map. Finding them will grant a very useful advantage
    - (Other than sprint) Clamber and thruster pack are the only spartan abilities at your disposal so use them well.

    - As the match progresses, paths will open up allowing you to progress further into the map.
    - The power box outside of the building has destroyable power cores on it that open the garage near it
    - All the Disturbed have thruster packs available to them so take advantage of that
    - The Disturbed are stronger in numbers. Attack the humans in group to get the jump on them

    - Each stage that the humans need to holdout in have a blaring red button that must be pushed to progress. Once activated, the survivors must wait a set amount of time until they can progress. Also, the buttons allow zombies to progress with the teleporters. The times of each door and teleporter are listed below.

    First Door - 0:45
    First Teleporter - 0:30
    Second Door - 1:00
    Second Teleporter - 0:30
    Third Teleporter - Immediately opens when second door opens
    Third Door - 0:50
    Fourth Teleporter - 0:30
    Fifth Teleporter - Immediately opens when pressing the button for the Fourth Door
    Fourth Door - 0:50
    Sixth Teleporter - 0:05 (0:05 after fourth door opens)
    Final Door (Closes) - 0:30

    If you do not want to see where the hidden weapons and interactables are then DO NOT continue.

    1st SPNKR Rocket Launcher:
    At the first holdout with the big double doors, look towards the crane on the left (facing away from the doors) and shoot the red blinking power core.
    Once destroyed, the crane will drop a crate and inside it will be the SPNKR

    Upon entering the second area, you will clearly see a large stack of crates. Make your way up to the very top of the blue and red crate. There will be a "Return to the Battlefield" countdown but on the end of the crate will be the DMR resting on a small box
    Assault Rifle w/ Extended Mags
    Upon entering the second area you have a choice of running left or right. Run to the right side and on the edge of the long gate, you will see a white crate below a tan crate. Get on the other side of it and you'll notice a blinking red light.
    Shoot it and the crate will open revealing a Assault Rifle with extended mags.

    Upon entering the second holdout building, you'll notice a closed garage on the left side of the building with a power box outside of it.
    This is where the Disturbed come from but if you're quick enough, the energy shield blocking the power core of the power box will lower after 30 seconds of pushing the second button giving you the option to shoot it and open the garage before the Disturbed arrive. Run towards the street and the SAW will be lying on a box next to a white car.

    2nd SPNKR Rocket Launcher
    This weapon isn't so much hidden but just really risky to get to like the SAW. Once the second door opens up, you'll reach a stairwell. Instead of running up the stairs, go down and resting on a crate is the 2nd SPNKR rocket launcher.
    Be careful though. The Disturbed spawn right next to that area so be quick.

    Halo CE Magnum:
    After crossing the bridge you'll get to this very dark and cluttered room. Below, the stairs lead you down to a bunch of cluttered crates and barriers but underneath the staircase in a corner is a lone crate.
    Behind the crate sitting on the floor is the Halo CE Magnum. It's very cramped to get to so chucking a grenade or two or pushing the crate out of the way will allow you to reach the legendary weapon.

    Lawgiver Shotgun:
    Once leaving the parking garage on the road, you'll see burning cars off to the right side. In between the car wreck is the Lawgiver shotgun.
    Second Door into Building:
    When making your way towards the second holdout, you'll notice a closed door with a red wire running along the wall. If you follow its path it leads to an exterior power core on the other side of the gate.
    Humans or infected can destroy it but the question is who does it benefit?

    Destroying the Vents:
    When entering through the 2nd path for the Disturbed, when destroying the power box leading into the building, the interior ventilation system will malfunction and explode blocking the humans line of sight. This interactable can benefit the Disturbed as it limits the humans line-of-sight a bit, but it also lets the humans know when the side garage is opened and that the Disturbed are on the way.

    Vent Lift
    Not so much an interactable, but just a useful hidden event. After the second holdout, the Disturbed spawn at the bottom of the staircase and must make their way up the stairs to kill the humans. However, after 30 seconds of the second door opening, a vent at the base of the stairs will open up allowing a quick shortcut to the top of the stairwell.


  1. ScaredHitman086

    ScaredHitman086 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I love these dynamic infection maps I will definitely play this
    KeeLoker likes this.
  2. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
    Wiki Contributor

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    KeeLoker updated Shipment with a new update entry:

    1st Update (Post Finalization) - Infected Spawns, Map Geometry, etc.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
    Wiki Contributor

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    KeeLoker updated Shipment with a new update entry:

    2nd Update (Post Finalization) - New infected spawns, Scripting, etc.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
    Wiki Contributor

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    KeeLoker updated Shipment with a new update entry:

    1st Bug Fix Update: Spawning

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  5. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
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    KeeLoker updated Shipment with a new update entry:

    (Hopefully) Final Update?: Gameplay Issues, Aesthetics, etc.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
    Wiki Contributor

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    KeeLoker updated Shipment with a new update entry:

    Hah jk. FINAL final update: Zombie spawns, secret weapons, etc.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
    Wiki Contributor

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    KeeLoker updated Shipment with a new update entry:

    New Holdout, Changed Weapons, etc.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. CryingNeutrons

    CryingNeutrons Legendary

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    Played this and had fun. Although when my buddy had a gravity hammer and became last man. Gravity hammer + unlimited ammo = unstoppable against zombies.
    KeeLoker likes this.
  9. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
    Wiki Contributor

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    Hah yeah I realized that. I took it out to make it more fair. But I'm glad you enjoyed it.
  10. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
    Wiki Contributor

    Likes Received:
    KeeLoker updated Shipment with a new update entry:

    Monitor's Bounty Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. DC Valorstrike

    DC Valorstrike Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for submitting you map Loker, here is what I gathered from everyone who tested the map with me

    >Players would have liked to see more industrial colors for the shipment crates with possibly rust and grime on them, rather than colorful and out of place reds greens and blues, etc. and with a mix of sizes for crates for more diversity
    ^You could change colors from bright blues and reds to grays, browns, still have possibly muted yellows and reds to have a bit of color rather than bright, lush colored crates that don't fit the infection mood

    >Players also noted they would have liked to have more diversity of weapons for the survivors such as gunfighter magnums, dmrs, and others

    >Cut down the very huge sightlines, however I personally noticed it not to be such a problem since infected had a faster base speed.

    >I believe your addition to have a marker be placed on any survivors who stay in the beginning area of the map also affect Infected, so a bunch of markers crowd your screen and consequently get in the way of the players view.

    >Could add more decorations to you interior spaces

    >Despite these critiques, we all were really into this map and hope to see more linear infection maps such as this. Additionally it was refreshing to see such length for a linear map.
  12. KeeLoker

    KeeLoker Legendary
    Wiki Contributor

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    Thank you for the feedback. I can work on most of what you said and the nav markers have already been fixed. Also regarding the variety of weapons, there are hidden weapons on the map that provide a sort of risk vs reward but I can add more of a variety. Thanks for playing it!
    DC Valorstrike likes this.
  13. DC Valorstrike

    DC Valorstrike Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Yeah man, when you get around to updating it message me and we would love to play it again!

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