1. Nest change.

    I noticed that the Nest side had a back side that most people didn't use. Most of the time was to just spawn trap. So I decided to cut that side and connect each Bend to the Nest (Before it was Top Nest).

    - Cut down the Nest side.
    - Connected Red Bend and Blue Bend to the Nest
    - SPNKR Rockets changed to Sniper Rifle (only Strongholds)
    - Moved Light Rifle to Mid
    - Replaced Suppressor with Song of Peace variant (behaves as Tier 2 weapon)
    - Moved Song of Peace Suppressor to The Pit (used to be called Yard)

    I'll continue to do my best to improve this map. Thanks for the downlaod and your support. Hope to be selected as one of the maps for MM. :D
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